Interested in the business and practice of law? Interested in thinking broadly and deeply? LODcast is designed for you - providing the latest insights from experts around the world on topics affecting the legal profession.
We’re starting 2021 with a bang – bringing you an episode on your most requested topic – contract improvement.
This episode will help in-house counsel to improve how they manage their contracting. It combines the theoretical and the pragmatics on how to optimise your contracting. And to help us understand the topic better, I spoke with two experts:
- Denis Potemkin. One of the most interesting thinkers in the contract redesign space, Denis trained and practised as a solicitor and senior in-house counsel for many years across Europe and the UK, before becoming a consultant and launching his own start-up.
- David Curtain. David was formerly Head of Legal at Engie and now works out of the LOD Melbourne office as a Director of our Legal Operations & Tech business.
Further resources:
- LOD Legal Operations & Tech Hub
- Denis' startup: Majoto
- Policy 2.0 by Lemonade
- August Privacy Policy
This episode focuses on bringing business thinking into the world of in-house counsel.
Further Resources:
- LOD's website: www.lodlaw.com
- Catherine's website: www.catherinemcgregor.co.uk
- Catherine's book: https://books.globelawandbusiness.com/business-thinking-in-practice
Today’s episode focuses on stress and mental health in the legal profession.
It’s an episode that explains to you the relationship between stress and mental health, the trends we’re seeing in the corporate world, the problem of presenteeism, evidence-based strategies to improve your own mental health and where we hit the target but miss the point.
To help us navigate and understand this vital topic, I was delighted to be joined by Professor Stuart Carney. Professor Carney is the Deputy Executive Dean and Medical Dean in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Queensland. He is also a Liaison Psychiatrist by training.
Further help:
- Australia - https://headtohealth.gov.au/
- Hong Kong - https://www.mind.org.hk/mental-health-in-hong-kong/
- Singapore - https://www.samhealth.org.sg/
- United Kingdom - https://www.mentalhealthresource.org.uk/
Trust is a concept we all intuitively understand. We all understand what it means to trust someone and what it means to be trusted.
But something easily understood, doesn’t make it something easy to do.
In this episode of LODcast we speak with Charles Green, a world leading expert in trust and, in particular, the idea of being a trusted advisor.
- https://trustedadvisor.com/
- Trust equation quiz: https://trustsuite.trustedadvisor.com/
- LOD's global survey report: https://bit.ly/30ImU5C
In this episode, we speak with Terri Mottershead - a global leader in legal talent management. Terri helps us answer the central question: how I future-proof my legal team?
You can download Terri's report, Building the next in-house legal team, in collaboration with LOD, here: https://bit.ly/2MG5BKD
In this episode, we’re delighted to speak with Heidi Gardner about smart collaboration – a term she coined to talk about how we need highly-specialised experts to come together tackle more complicated issues than any of them could do on their own.
We take a deeper dive into her world-leading research on how this impacts for legal professionals, and more recently, her research and analysis on what this means for in-house legal teams.
It’s a fascinating and insightful conversation and I particularly like how Heidi has taken a potentially misperceived soft-skill of collaboration and brought indisputable evidence as to how it brings tangible, bottom-line impacts.
Further Resources:
This episode focuses on how lawyers and other knowledge workers can work remotely - and effectively. We speak with three experts: Dr Heidi Gardner, Assistant Professor Ella Hafermalz and LOD co-founder Simon Harper.
For more information on Dr. Heidi Gardner and her work:
- https://www.gardnerandco.co/
- https://www.amazon.com/Smart-Collaboration-Professionals-Succeed-Breaking/dp/1633691101
- https://www.globelawandbusiness.com/special-reports/smart-collaboration-for-in-house-legal-teams
- https://hbr.org/2020/03/coronavirus-could-force-teams-to-work-remotely
- https://hbr.org/2017/09/the-overcommitted-organization
For more information on Ella Hafermalz and her work:
- https://www.kinresearch.nl/would-you-rather-be-watched-or-forgotten/
- Dery, K., & E. Hafermalz. (2016). Seeing is belonging: Remote working, identity and staying connected. In J. Lee (Ed.), The impact of ICT on work (pp. 109-126). Singapore: Springer, Singapore.
- Hafermalz, E., & K. Riemer. (2016). The work of belonging through technology in remote work: A case study in tele-nursing. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey.
- And the book Ella mentioned in the podcast was: Gregg, M. (2013). Work's intimacy. John Wiley & Sons.
For more information on remote working with LOD and more generally out flexible legal delivery models, please visit www.lodlaw.com
Are you confused about LIBOR? To help you understand LIBOR and its impact better, I spoke with with Emma Millington and Miranda Campbell, banking and finance experts from LexisNexis in London.
In this episode, we look at what it means, the key time frames, what the new world will look like and how in-house legal teams should be preparing for the upcoming shift.
So if you need a 25 minute breakdown of LIBOR, this one’s for you
Free: https://www.lexisnexis.co.uk/blog/banking-and-finance
For LexisPSL subscribers:
Learn more about LOD here: www.lodlaw.com
Learn more about The Legal Forecast here: www.thelegalforecast.com
LOD In Collaboration Report: Which Way Does the Wind Blow?
Any feedback on this episode or about the series in general, please email lodcast@lodlaw.com
Any feedback on this episode or about the series in general, please email lodcast@lodlaw.com
Here is the In Collaboration report produced by Ron and LOD
And here is a link to the Gartner Hyper Curve
Any feedback on this episode or about the series in general, please email lodcast@lodlaw.com
Any feedback on this episode or about the series in general, please email lodcast@lodlaw.com
Here is the In Collaboration report that Jordan and LOD produced:
Through The Legal Looking Glass
Over the course of the episode we also referred to:
- Which Way Does the Wind Blow? Our ethics report In Collaboration with Professors Steven Vaughan and Richard Moorhead
- The Delta Shaped Lawyer
- LOD Toolkit: Managing Change
Any comments or feedback, please email lodcast@lodlaw.com