PCP Info And Shorts

PCP Info And Shorts

Pinal County Podcast: Info And Shorts is not affiliated with any town or county agency. It's just an over 40 trying to spread some local info to residents of Pinal County Arizona. No agenda, not for profit, I just need a hobby and think that in a world of information bombardment, it would be nice for folks to have the ability to listen to what's going on in their area without having to be inundated with all the "white-noise" that is the mass media. Take all this info for what its worth to you, I encourage you to question everything and email me with thoughts, ideas, personal stories or just good ol' fashioned word of mouth information that your neighbors would benefit from knowing. I hope this will inspire individuals in every town and county to follow suit and start a podcast to get out localized information that we all need to navigate our busy lives. Peace, Love, and Pancakes Bitches!

Bea Educated Education 12 rész
8 perc 9. rész Bea Educated

Fair thee well fuckers! peace love and pancakes....and yes I realize I use words inappropriately....it's called A.D.D. and winging it, but I'm not an idiot I do know how proper English works; however there is a disconnect between my brain and my mouth!

34 perc 8. rész Bea Educated

Question everything, especially people.

21 perc 10. rész Bea Educated

Subscribe to my podcast, so you don't have to find me, I'll come to your device automatically. 

23 perc 7. rész Bea Educated

Subscribe to the podcast for episodes that come to you each week. If you can’t find me, email PCPinfoandshorts@gmail.com

7 perc 8. rész Bea Educated

Written by me....like 20 years ago

43 perc 6. rész Bea Educated
Local happenings in Pinal County AZ
36 perc 5. rész Bea Educated
Info and commentary about stuff happening in Pinal County AZ and on their social pages (that I am a member of)...and some random info to maybe make your life a little easier
48 perc 4. rész Bea Educated

email me some info you think the local should know PCPInfoAndShorts@gmail.com 

PCPias_01_11_2020_Info Ep_3_
44 perc 3. rész Bea Educated
This week in Pinal County
PCPias 01_04_2020_info Ep_2
41 perc 2. rész Bea Educated

Lots of name drops, better listen to the end to see if your in it!

46 perc 1. rész Bea Educated
so hopefully this one will hurt your ears less
I've got a new voice
0 perc 1. rész Bea Educated

ok, so I'm having alot of fun with voices expect each episode to sound slightly different 

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