New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio with Darius Barazandeh

New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio with Darius Barazandeh

Darius Barazandeh and top spiritual and energy healers, teachers and experts help you to heal, transform and awaken matters affecting your BEST life, health and spirit. Every episode contains POWERFUL energy healing work - so catch them all. Be sure to visit to get your Free 3-Step Energy Awakening Kit to continue your journey to your best self and life!

Darius Barazandeh and top spiritual healers, teachers and energy experts help you to heal, transform and awaken matters affecting your life, health and spirit. Every episode contain POWERFUL energy he Religion & Spirituality 100 rész Darius Barazandeh and top spiritual healers, teachers and energy experts
Tamra Oviatt interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
78 perc 100. rész

Want new energy? Shift thousands of beliefs fast with three powerful activations. Tamra Oviatt is the founder of Sacred Activations (SA), a seventh plane modality that she received over an eight-month trek through Europe, Italy and Spain. Join Tamra for Sacred Activations: Shift Thousands of Beliefs Per Activation. In this session, you will discover why collective consciousness so important, learn about 100th Monkey Syndrome and what it has in common with the human race, activate Sacred Geometry in the body, and clear thousands of programs and beliefs on the collective consciousness, genetic and past life levels. Tamra does three activations for our group during the call and takes live callers! Clear 1000's of beliefs per activation! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Karen Rauch Carter interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 99. rész

Change your space - transform your life! Is your environment creating 'Energetic' sickness? Is your space full of 'LOW ENERGY' life-robbing vibration? Are you ready for an 'INSTANT' new environment? Do you feel dragged down by your reality? Do you want to be free, light and full of joy? Join professional feng shui educator, consultant, and the best-selling author Karen Rauch Carter for Make a Shift, Change Your Life: Feng Shui for Your Body, Mind, Spirit and Environment. In this session with Karen you will learn how to make the connection between your environment and your life circumstances, how to attract and enhance opportunities more easily for love, prosperity and health and more, Karen's top health-generating tips and how feng shui can transform your life, relationships and career. Free past, old and stale energy now! Learn energy practices to heal your space! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Panache Desai interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
77 perc 98. rész

Panache is back! Get ready for an intimate session. Experience Panache's deepest journey and receive the energy Panache has for us all: Love. Panache has some special information and guidance that he will be sharing in this session. Join Panache Desai for Discovering Your Soul Signature. In this session with Panache, you will release limitations that hinder your ability to live a life of purpose, passion, and joy, expand your vibrational resonance to align with the Divine, embrace your innate gifts and abilities, discover what it is you have come to do, activate your personal power to make profound shifts and life-long changes, access peace at the deepest level no matter what is unfolding in your life. Feel the love! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Rikka Zimmerman interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
77 perc 97. rész

Get the expansion into your infinite self! Warning: this may be irreversible freedom. Experience a super activation and attunement. How high will you go? 500, 600, 700+? Find out fast! During this session you'll get to hear about the GDV testing on her clearings and tonings and the ASTOUNDING effects! Join Rikka for Activate Your Dream Life: Cutting Edge Vibrational Activations to Awaken Your Full Potential. In this session with Rikka, you will discover how to activate your Higher Mind, discover access to a whole new set of vibrations & energies to allow your life to flow with ease, joy & love like never before, go on the adventure of fully integrating your energy into the highest vibrational field you have ever experienced – allowing you to create great relationships, financial abundance & easily flow with life like never before, play in the energy of *PURE JOY*. Are you ready to know what it feels like to KNOW this energy at a greater depth than you can currently imagine? In this call, you'll feel yourself going into higher and higher consciousness - automatically! PLUS - You'll love this - some people saw Angels, removed pain, it's new and unlike anything she's done before! Amazing! Quickly activate your dream life FAST! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Mary Beth Vanderlinden interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
90 perc 96. rész

Turn on your MIRACLE switch! Do you need love, support and new energy possibilities...then enjoy this session! Let this incredible session move you, FEEL the love and the energy. Mary Beth also leads the group through some deep grounding that so many people felt was the #1 reason to be on the session! Join Mary Beth Vanderlinden for Turn On Your Miracle Switch': Learn to Tap into your Angelic Team to Manifest a Life of Ease, Flow and Prosperity. In this session with Mary Beth you will learn what can you expect when you connect with the angelic realm, how you know that it is a divine connection and that is who you are hearing from, and how the energies that are coming in, in 2015 affecting us. Listen to this incredible awakening session now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Adam Heller interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
77 perc 95. rész

Do You Have Physical Pain? Free yourself from emotional and body pain! Learn how as divine beings we no longer need to be stuck by debilitating pain! Chronic, recurrent, repetitive or ongoing back pain and body pain costs between $560 billion and $635 billion each year in medical expenses and lost productivity. But, your pain is personal and costs you much more than just money. It keeps you from unleashing your energy, your freedom and your wealth. Do you have re-curring physical pain? Are traditional methods not working for you? Do you want to be back in control of your life again? Join Adam Heller for Zero Pain Now: Permanently Release your Pain & Regain Your Vitality, Energy and Freedom Now! In this session you will learn how you can rapidly join the 97.4% of people just like you with ZERO PAIN, what your doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, trainer or yoga instructor might NOT be telling you, the difference between pain management and pain BANISHMENT, how the neuroscientific study of neuroplasticity and the ancient teachings of mindfulness come together so that you can end your pain once and for all. Discover the simple secret to join the thousands of other people who permanently ended their pain and unleashed their wealth, energy and freedom. Liberate yourself from emotional and physical pain for good! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Mas Sajady interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
77 perc 94. rész

Reality re-programming energy session - transform your life! What would happen if your reality was completely re-programmed? What would you wish for? What things would you do right now? Mas Sajady is ascending rapidly as one of the most powerful healers and energy channelers. He is a reality reprogrammer. He generates a unique energy that is so rich people have incredible releases, healings, openings and more! What it does is different, loving, gentle and incredibily powerful. Join Mas Sajady - Reality Re-Programmer - for: Could Your Entire Life Transform in 30 Minutes or Less? In this session with Mas you will learn the ‘real why’ your life has been the way it is, the ‘real how’ to change your life rapidly and effortlessly, how to become enlightened without the hassle of near death experiences, what Mas can change in your life 30 minutes or less. Mas does a group process in this session - almost guaranteed to cause a shift in you! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

William Linville interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
81 perc 93. rész

Change Everything? Experience a brand new life changing energy session now, an inter-dimensional clearing! A new vibration is here with life shifting energy exercises to open a constant state of vibrant physical energy. Join William Linville, a clear Creator Consciousness in a physical body, for Living your Life to the Fullest: How to Be in a Constant State of Vibrant Physical Energy. William's energy is amazing! In this new and exercise rich session with William you will learn how to be in a state of constant vibrant physical energy, expand your consciousness from your body and through the mind with boundless complimentary results within your life-stream, activate the constant rebuilding of your body with ease, explore and to enjoy the abundance of information of your akashic realms and your entourage, let the Universe unfold and open opportunities to you and for you with simplicity and ease. Learn and FEEL what life is like without judgments and conflicts within oneself! Open to a constant state of vibrant physical energy! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Joanne Justis interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
86 perc 92. rész

Strange magical code? Are you gracefully 'living by the numbers' OR are you struggling against them? Have you ever wondered why life seems so 'easy' for some people, while for others its a struggle? Ask yourself... does it seem like 'nothing' is working? Do you feel 'trapped' energetically? Do you need direction? Do you wonder what you life purpose is? Are you attracting the wrong people in your life? Do you need answers NOW? Thousands have already discovered how to unlock wealth, vitality and joy! Join Joanne Justis for The Science of YOU: Your Personal Assessment to Unlocking the Secrets of your God Code! Joanne does live caller numerology readings in this session! In this session with Joanne you will transform where you are to what you desire by discovering your God Code, understand your God Code to manifest from a place of power, gain laser-like insight into your God Code to take enlightened control of your life, discover the shocking truth about the secrets that your name and birthdate reveal, and unlock your full potential and invest in yourself by discovering your God Code. Understand the secret code of numbers that may control your life! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Dawn Clark interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
85 perc 91. rész

Experience a new healing and turn on your diving intelligence! Tired of struggle and fear? Are you ready to experience a deep inner knowing? Do you long to be free from fear, doubt and worry? Listen today - excersice and activation! Join Dawn Clark for Divine Intelligence: How to Connect with Source to Get the Answers You Need. In this session with Dawn you will discover how to unlock your human potential and reveal the quantum interface of your heart, discover personal access to the hidden drivers of the power of the Universe, experience a better alignment with your authentic path, learn how you can feel less stress, worry and anxiety, discover a faster, more potent activation of your internal guidance mechanism. Activate your divine intelligence now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Panache Desai interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
71 perc 90. rész

Feel loved? Special new GIFT session with Panache Desai! "Mind... BLOWN!" NOTE from DARIUS: "I am so very excited because Panache is back! He has some special information and guidance that he will be sharing with each of us! This session promises to be an amazing day full of awakenings on a deep soul level!" Join Panache Desai for Discovering Your Soul Signature. In this GIFT session with Panache, you will discover what your soul signature is and how to discover it within, become empowered with tools to fine-tune your energetic state, connect to the innate brilliance and potential that is inside you, activate your ability to elevate everyone and everything around you > through your emotional energy, be introduced to a whole new way of being. Experience this intimate session and Panache's deepest journey. Receive the energy Panache has for us all of love! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Rudy Hunter interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
81 perc 89. rész

Free yourself and get ready to CLEAR energy! Experience a new block-clearing session - 4 powerful nearly instant clearings! In Rudy's previous session, the listeners experienced incredible results just during the session. Many traumas went from a 7 to a 0 on a scale of 1-10. What will happen for you? Find out! Join Rudy Hunter for How to Increase your Vibration and Release Energetic Blocks in RECORD TIME! During this session, Rudy asks you to take a level 10 energy block and release it! In this session you'll learn how to get a better outcome with Energy Work in any area of your life, what it really means to raise your vibration...and how to do it quickly, how to get faster results with your challenges without "working on it" for the next 20 years, how simple EnergyWork is a true shortcut to getting things to shift in your life, and how to take the mystery out of EnergyWork and get going with it. AMAZING NOTE: Many people went from a 10 down to a ZERO! This is how powerful his esoteric methods can be! All done remotely and in the session! Clear it now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Judy Calvey interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
89 perc 88. rész

What will 5D enlightenment mean in your life? Get ready for group energy healing like you've never felt before! Hear amazing one-on-one readings and a group energy self awakening! Julie Calvey has attained Full Enlightenment and Ascension. She has remained, by special invitation, in her 4D body in order that all of Humankind be guided safely into 5D and beyond. Join Julie Calvey for What your Soul Evolution is Telling You? In this Session with Julie you will discover what is your heart and soul's deepest desires and how to awaken to them, why so many people are Awakening to their true gifts, yet so many are also going into fear and destruction, what is really going on since the Galactic Opening (12/21/12) and how it effects us. Awaken and release blocks... can you imagine leaving low energy behind? Try it! Instant energy release and soul awakening processing! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Colby Wilk interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 87. rész

Experience 5 new and fast energy healings plus personal readings and one-on-one healing! Brand new clearings with Colby Wilk - listen to this session and get the 5 energy healings! The last time Colby was on it was an incredible session! In this session, he works one-on-one with callers and performs group clearings. Feel Colby's energy and experience the energy shift in yourself! Join Colby Wilk for Upgrade Your Consciousness: 5 Energy Healings for Transformation. In this deep session with Colby you will learn practical & quick practices that will create shifts in moments, become a Master at creating change, experience tons of clearings, move into greater wellness and deeper sense of Spirit, shift at the very core by releasing limitations, receive physical and emotional healing, learn energetic techniques you can use in your everyday life to upgrade our perspective, outlook and mood regardless of your situation. Listen today and receive all 5 consciousness 'upgrades' now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Susan Shumsky interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
79 perc 86. rész

Are you ready for a transformational opening that will knock your socks off? Why do so many awaken? Find out - live energy activation happening to clear and open your 7 energy centers. Join Dr. Susan Shumsky for The Power of Chakras: Unlock Your 7 Energy Centers for Healing, Happiness, and Transformation. Join us as we harness some our deepest love and healing energy centers. Are your mind and heart blocked? Are you ready to purify your energy field? Are you tired of struggle hardship and worry? In this session with Dr. Susan Shumsky you will learn to unlock your subtle body and energy field, allow Prana to flow, find and feel your kundalini energy and the chakra system, learn to heal blockages in your subtle body, learn to vibrate and maintain health in your energy field, and empower yourself as a multidimensional being. Make sure you listen to this session lead by Dr. Susan and transform your life! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Todd Jason interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
79 perc 85. rész

Are you ready to be supported to your super human consciousness? Are you ready for upgraded awareness for your next level? Are you ready to vibrationally transcend challenges and obstacles? Unlock your super human consciousness! Can we create a world wide tipping point? Our guest today has helped create a method for everyone to integrate the most life changing & powerful teachings of Ken Wilber in their life. Todd Jason is an entrepreneur and activist who focuses his efforts spreading the most inspiring, uplifting and transcendent stories for human beings and the planet we share. Ken Wilber, psychologist-philosopher, an important representative of trans-personal psychology called "the Einstein of Consciousness", has impacted hundreds of thousands of people world-wide with his books and lectures and has been praised by Bill Clinton, Tony Robbins, Marianne Williamson and so many others. In this session, join Todd Jason - Producer, Host and the Moderator, of Super Human Operating System, Ken Wilbur's most comprehensive work to date - to discover Ken Wilber's 'Unlocking Your Superhuman Potential' & Creating A World Wide Tipping Point! In this session, Todd will share how to break through to a new stage of human evolution and why it is time, what living a 'super human life' actually means, the 5 major transformations we have experienced on our planet, and the nature of this 6th one (and why it's so relevant to you), how to illuminate your full spectrum of potential (that might otherwise remain unavailable to you), and why in order to "upgrade" your life you will first need to upgrade your operating system. Are you ready to experience an upgrade of a lifetime of Ken Wilber's deepest work? Let's Creating a worldwide 'Tipping Point' today! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Kenji Kumara interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
76 perc 84. rész

Do You Need An Awakening? Unexpected Miracles? Get ready - Kenji is here with something completely new and powerful, activating the Heart of the Quantum! Kenji Kumara is one of the world's leading visionaries and pioneers in the field of energy consciousness. Known for his unique ability to guide people into deep meditation with his gentle activations, he keeps it simple and effortless as the doorways to Source Connection are opened to the I AM God-self. Join Kenji for Ascending from the Struggle Into Miracles and Bliss (Phoenix Rising)! How Do You Create Miracles? Why Did So Many Feel the ENERGY? During this session you are guided into the frequency where you release from duality and ego perceptions, gain enhanced clarity of perception, work from the place of being and knowing, experience reduction of chronic stress, worry and anxiety, feel greater connection within Self and to the world, experience transformation of inherited imprints, conditioning and victim consciousness, witness unexpected miracles and more! IMPORTANT NOTE: This entire session is about releasing the duality that keeps us separate from the frequency that creates big transformational shifts in our life. Experience live activations in this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Susann Taylor Shier interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
76 perc 83. rész

This is astounding - feel this soul activation with an intuitive channel to get your answers! Discover the answers to your burning questions: Who am I? What are my gifts? What am I here to do? This session with Susann opens the door to find the missing piece you are looking for! Join highly established and gifted international best-selling author, speaker, and intuitive channel, Susann Taylor Shier, for Your Purpose Revealed: Access Your Soul Blueprint to Activate your Spirit's Wealth. Susann will do actual readings for listeners and offer a group energy exercise to support you! In this special session with Susann you will develop the resources you need to activate the power of authentic, soul level fulfillment, move resolutely to your destiny, create the life you love and engage in it wholeheartedly, connect with your intuitive guidance as your natural GPS for daily clarity, wisdom, and unconditional supportive love, develop the skill of soulful manifestation and magnify the embodiment of your spirit's wealth, know sacred union with all that is beloved to bring the riches of intimate love into your relationships, heal your soul challenges that keep you from relishing a health-filled body, mind and heart, experience the divine homecoming that declares," I am in love with life itself.", and feel deeply seen and understood and truly know in your very core that there is a special place for your unique essence to shine brightly in this world. Now you can create the financial, emotional, and spiritual support system you need to live your biggest life of unlimited possibilities! Listen to actual listener readings and get the deep soul answers you are looking for! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Chief Robert and Terri Lynn TallTree interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
107 perc 82. rész

Are you lacking clarity in your life's purpose? Are you looking to expand your spiritual intelligence? Are you tired of sabotaging your energy and power? What would it mean to be deeply connected to your soul and purpose? What would it mean to live your full and natural brilliance in this world? In this session, experience an ancient ceremonial journey. We will use this ancient energy for manifesting to heal your life! Join best-selling authors, peace advocates and world-renown recording artists Chief Robert and Terri Tall Tree for The Secret Native American Path Connecting You to the Truth of Your Life Purpose! In this session with Chief Robert and Terri TallTree you'll receive wisdom from Indigenous Elders that is simple, effective and life-changing, an activation of the deep connection within your heart to all that exists, an understanding how truly powerful you are and claim your undeniable authority to fulfill YOUR life purpose, leave a legacy and make a difference in the world, a plug into the Source of your passion, your innate intelligence, and the gifts you were BORN with, and the energy of confidence, energy and commitment to be who you are truly meant to be will be amped up in a BIG, big way! Chief Robert and Terri will be taking us on a very ceremonial journey with music! Plus you'll feel how an ancient energy will reveal your true power during the ceremony! Join this incredible ancient energy session and get the ancient healing sound! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Derek Rydall interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
97 perc 81. rész

Are you struggling to discover your Soul Purpose? Let's unlock it today! Get ready to discover what new gift or message comes forward for you during this session's activation! Derek gifts us with a very powerful heart centered activation with the strong intention to bring forth a new gift for you in the new year. Join Derek Rydall for Activate Your Soul Purpose and Move Into Peace. In this session with Derek, you will discover the real core of your chronic problems and how to finally heal them (this is unlike anything you've heard -- it's a game-changer!), understand the hidden meaning behind your challenges, crises, and deepest desires (hint: they're all connected), learn the 7 paths to your Soul Purpose (you'll see how everything you've been through since childhood has been preparing you for your destiny!), uncover your Soul Purpose Profile, that unique soul signature driving most of your behaviors (this is one of those life-changing ah-ha! moments), and get clarity on the 8 Vision Blinders that have blocked your true purpose & power from emerging (the 'missing link' to finding and living your purpose). Tune in for a power exercise to shift you into discovery - you're in for a radical paradigm shift! Derek is ready to move your energy! Listen and allow it to emerge. Unlock your Soul Purpose and be free! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Gil Alan interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
94 perc 80. rész

Are your spirit guides trying to reach you? Get the messages now! Learn how to find your Spirit Guides and totally transform your reality! New healings - new energy: Gil Alan will be taking us on a guided journey to reconnect to the wisdom of your heart with your spirit guides! Find out how your Spirit Guides can take you on a journey of self-discovery and healing as you reconnect to the wisdom of your heart so you can live your truth fearlessly from a place of self-love and inner peace. In this session with Gil you will meet your primary Spirit Guide, find out who your Spirit Guides really are (this may blow your mind!), discover the key to receiving information from higher guidance, learn the essential element for manifesting your desires, and find out how developing a relationship with your Spirit Guides can truly transform your life. PLEASE NOTE: Gil takes us on a guided journey, so this Spirit Guide connection session is a very special gift! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Christie Marie Sheldon interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
84 perc 79. rész

Ever felt stuck or unsatisfied with your finances? Your career? Your life? Then there's a high chance you're suffering from an Abundance Block. Join Christie Marie Sheldon for Create a New Wealth Reality: Learning How to Remove those Hidden, Sabotaging Blocks to Financial Abundance, Now! An Abundance Block is a subconscious obstacle that holds you back from attracting wealth and success. It's like invisible barrier keeping you from reaching the success you crave. But today is the day to break past that barrier. In this session, energy healer Christie Marie Sheldon will show you how to make this year and ones to come the most abundant of your life. You will learn the reasons why you are blocked in wealth, how to create the attraction of wealth, in your reality on an ongoing basis, how to remove those hidden, sabotaging, Wealth Blocks, how you were secretly sabotaged before age 7 and didn't even know it, why your previous efforts to clear abundance blocks failed, how Wealth Consciousness effects not only your financial bank account, but your physical, emotional and energetic bank accounts, why your vibration frequency is the only thing that can fix your money issues and why clearing these blocks to abundance effects everything you attract to, wellness, vitality, success, money and joy. Experience a special clearing session to release blocks and experience a new energy clearing! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Alex Loyd interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
87 perc 78. rész

Are your success codes turned off? Discover 3 strange new discoveries to 'unblock' health, wealth and joy! Thousands have already discovered a step-by-step process to gracefully eliminate stress, frustration and turn off the failure mechanism. The #1 cause of illness, failure and unhappiness is revealed! Join Alex Loyd for Is Cellular Memory Keeping You Stuck? Learn about the 3 newest and most amazing discoveries of our time and shift your energy! During the session you'll get a new technique to shift your focus, intention and reality from external driven outcomes (that destroy your peace and joy) to internal driven feelings that are 100% yours to attain. Get ready and just follow Dr. Alex's instructions during the session to discover... the step-by-step process to systematically "switch off" up to 95% of modern disease, the exact source of both physical and emotional problems, how to uncover the source of a programmed switch inside of you and how you can flip the switch in your favor, and how to prevent future internal stress and disease. Dr. Alex will show you how you can be healthy and happy effortlessly and the 6 minute method he discovered that has changed thousands and thousands of lives. Listen and beging the shift into harmony today! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Brent Phillips interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
77 perc 77. rész

Is near instant awakening possible? Will you see auras? Energy awakening and support - new exercise today! Join Brent Phillips for Your Newest Awakening & Healing Today: Awakening New Life: Turbo Charging your Prosperity Consciousness Using the Formula for Miracles. Brent's energy processes have near 'instantly' allowed people like you see auras and energy as well as experience pain reduction, anxiety reduced and more calm! Brent also gives us a bit of background on how he discovered it and what it means for the planet. Feel Brent moving your energy during this session! Brent shares some really amazing and unique processes, and gives us some big doses of this powerful 'awakening' energy. In this session with Brent you will get training to seeing auras and energy with your open eyes, discover the 3 "terrible traps" that block spiritual progress, learn tricks to easily win all the 7 games of consciousness, including love, money, and spiritual truth, learn how to start the beginning of the end of suffering, learn how to clear subconscious developmental traumas that are at the root of most problems with health and money, engage a step by step processes to evolve your consciousness to the highest levels of the 3 stages of the spiritual journey, learn how one Great Lie creates nearly all suffering...including YOUR suffering. You will get the secret to releasing attachment to result, gain your the "foot in the door" to enlightenment, expose the greatest lie in human history, learn the amazing shortcut to spiritual liberation, and begin to deeply understand and live in the truth that "we are all one". Brent sends us energy and awakening vibration - free yourself now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Larry Crane interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 76. rész

Feeling Stuck? Open and release fears, money blocks and pain! In this amazing 'experiential' session. you'll get to follow along and speak to 'beingness' yourself! You'll see exactly what it means to actually connect to infinite source and experience a fast "release" of pain, worry, fear and abundance blocks! Join Larry Crane for Release the Blocks to Financial Peace of Mind & Abundance. In this new session with Larry, you will discover how can achieve financial abundance nad peace of mind, a technique to improve your abundance quickly, techniques to help with any life problem. You will learn how to go inside yourself and uncover your natural power and genius and be taken to a place where you can feel truly abundant. You'll feel and hear a caller who was dealing with financial challenges actually awaken in this session! Try the Quick Enlightenment Method: A Practical Approach to Mastering Your Life yourself and discover how to have the peace, love and life you deserve! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Tom Paladino interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
74 perc 75. rész

Can light heal you? Find out! Tom Paladino is an engineer and researcher who has been studying Scalar Energy for over 25 years. Scalar Energy is a gentle yet powerful energy that can be harnessed to create healing frequencies of energy. Some of the effects of Scalar Energy may include elimination of the harmful and negative effects of man-made frequencies such as electro-magnetic fields, increase in cell energies, relief of fatigue, headaches, allergies, strengthening of immune function, energizing of cells back to a healthy state of electrical charge, and prevention of and repair to DNA damage. Join Tom Paladino for Remote Scalar Energy Healing: Using the Power of Light to Heal. In this session you will learn what scalar energy is and how it can work remotely, what pathogens are and how they can be cleansed, how and why scalar healing works, how to balance and harmonize your chakras. Listen and re-align your life now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Mashhur Anam interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
78 perc 74. rész

Imagine removing the resistance to the life you desire! Experience new super energy readings and energy clearings! Mashhur Anam is an alchemist of transformation - get ready to experience his newest energetic processes to restore harmonic frequencies, release energy blocks, heal subconscious wounds, and re-create your life now, today, and forever! Join Mashhur Anam for Align with VORTEX Energy and Re-Create Your Life, Dreams and Abundance. In this brand new session with Mashhur you will utilize the energy of the Bell Rock vortex and energy of the Rainforests to broadcast your ideal life vision to the universe, use harmonic frequencies of a Tibetan singing bowl to manifest your desires, broadcast your desires by using a Fibonacci Sequence, a sacred and powerful matrix of the Universal Creation Energy, learn how to send out intense bursts of pulses to declare your intentions, detach from the mindset of constant release and clearing and begin to create your reality, and discover the ancient sacred science of Dream State processing. NOTE: Energy Processes Happening - Mashhur will be taking us through a LIVE Vortex Process on the call. Please do not drive or operate machinery during this session! Get the Vortex Meditation now - Mashhur's free gift during this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Robert Pease interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
92 perc 73. rész

Is this magical? Listen now for the secret code of YOU! Do you have burning life questions... what's my life purpose? How can I live abundantly and be true to myself? When will I find love? What am I here to do, specifically? Let's answer them for you! Join Robert Pease for Your Wealth in Numbers: Unlock The Secret Code Of You! In this session with Dr. Robert Pease, you will hear personal readings to help you understand how you manifest, create and bring your divine energy and gifts to the planet, learn how to unblock the magic of your personal numbers to unleash the power behind everything in your life, discover how Vibrational Numerology can immediately shift your frequencies to attract exactly what you need and require to be more healthy and wealthy, remove karmic cycles in your life preventing you from getting all that you require to live productively, learn this process as clearly and concisely for getting to the core of the blocks which keep repeating again and again, blast through doubts to have clearer visions of who you are and how you can create what you truly need to be fulfilled. You will also receive customized transmissions for your listening pleasure to raise your frequencies for specific areas and information on how to discover what frequencies are missing in your life path. Raise your vibration while you are on the call! Experience LIVE audience readings in this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Jarrad Hewett interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 72. rész

Kick off with Jarrad Hewett and experience the brand new Prayer Energy Circle! Join psychic healer, Jarrad Hewett, for 2014: Open the Ascended Heart and Thrive. This is Jarrad's first new healing journey in almost a year! This was a powerful, loving session with 3 big energy activations! On this world premiere of Jarrad's New Energy Journey, you will re-connect to source in wholeness and love, learn about the true untapped power of the ascended heart chakra, unblock your money center by eliminating all templates, beliefs and genetic set-backs - instantly, get off the "hamster wheel" and learn how to emotionally pivot in seconds, experience what it would be like to truly create the life of your dreams, instantly raise your vibration and open your heart, discover easy and effortless ways of living your dreams and creating heaven on Earth. Jarrad will be sharing his newest frequencies in this session! Experience this special 2014 re-set energy activation - psychic heart clearing! WARNING: There are group readings and exercises in this session. This is a powerful session, so do not listen while driving or operating equipment. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Chunyi Lin interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
79 perc 71. rész

Find your soul purpose! Join certified international Qigong Master and holistic healer, Chunyi Lin, for Finding Your Soul Purpose - Transforming Your Life. IMPORTANT NOTE: Master Lin does long distance detecting and gives healing energy for listeners in this special session! In this session, Master Chunyi Lin will help you discover your Soul Purpose for being here on this planet at this time, how to make your direct Soul Connection and tap into this limitless power and wisdom, how to release and transform old habits or beliefs that may be limited, fearful, or reactive energy, how to balance and enhance your body's energy and vitality, how to awaken your natural healing abilities to help yourself and help others. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Rhonda Britten Q&A
84 perc 70. rész

Get ready to live fearlessly! Join Oprah Guest Rhonda Britten for this Q&A session: Fearless Living: How to Take Risks and Live Free. In this session, you will discover the secrets to why every single thing holding you back has one thing in common, what the answer is to your fears, blocks and challenges, the key secrets that keep 99% of people stuck (and how to avoid it), exactly why "positive thinking" alone is not the answer", how to tackle the issue of "not being good enough", how to be brave enough to take risks, how to overcome self-judgment, how to have more self love, joy, abundance and LIFE now. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Emmanuel Dagher interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 69. rész

Let's release and shift in this session! Emmanuel is here for your today on this rare session. Join Emmanuel Dagher for Become a Miracle Magnet: Paradigm Shifting: To Heal and Experience Abundance Forever! For several years now, Emmanuel has had the honor of working with people from all walks of life including moms, children, visionaries, world diplomats, large groups, and Fortune 500 companies. Even top healing experts themselves turn to Emmanuel for support and healing. In this session, you will have a brand new energy on money and abundance, release out-dated belief systems around money and abundance and experience life, unlock a new relationship with money. You will also learn how to attract and create more abundance in your life now, create the life you were born to live, be the gift that you know you and attract the abundance that is yours! If you are ready to open yourself up to all these and so much more, you will absolutely want to listen to this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Mas Sajady Q&A
82 perc 68. rész

Clear blocks and attract abundance! Join Mas Sajady for 21 Days to Total Abundance: How to Open the Floodgates to Abundance in All Areas of Your Life - Q&A Call. Mas gives us a word of caution about this call: for some the paradigm shifts may be too great. Do not listen if you are not serious about transforming your life. During this powerful breakthrough call you will choose a vibrant, healthier you, remove self-defeating patterns, tap into your creative genius, resolve persistent health issues, attract great relationships, energize your inner core for rapid achievement, and live in a state of well being. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Larry Crane interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
86 perc 67. rész

Get ready for financial freedom! From housewives to returning veterans, Larry Crane can help ANYONE become calm, successful and happy, by sharing a scientifically-proven technique that's been taught to more than 100,000 graduates worldwide. Join Larry Crane for Have Financial Freedom & Live The Lifestyle You have Been Dreaming About. In this powerful session, Larry reveals why the brain is like a computer and most of us have "viruses" that impede relationships and success, how Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson underscore the danger of achieving "success" without happiness, why most people operate in "zombie mode" and are slaves to knee jerk emotion, how mankind is headed for disaster unless we address the root cause of anxiety and dread, how people with post-traumatic stress disorder can develop minds that are quieter than the Dalai Lama's. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Giovanni Lordi interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
84 perc 66. rész

Get ready to shift your consciouness! Join hypnotist Giovanni Lordi for Activating Your Super Conscious Mind: How to Use Hypnosis to Train your Brain to Reach New Levels! During this session, you will discover your Super Consciousness, how to use hypnosis to train your brain to reach new levels, how to achieve Zen and completely open up your mind and discover inner truth. You will learn about dreams and shifting consciousness and how to use this to elevate your mental perception, Super Creativity and how to activate heightened learning & creating abilities, as well as how to shift your consciousness to live in the moment, gain awareness and become present. Listen to live processes on this call! Achieve Super Consciousness now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Ann Taylor interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
72 perc 65. rész

Get ready for financial empowerment! Join Ann Taylor for Be Empowered to Have the Self-Esteem You Need to Achieve Financial Prosperity! Ann's gift works to reprogram your entire consciousness, including the one you received from your mother and father, as well as your lineage. It is unlike anything you've ever experienced before and the results are truly phenomenal! Join us for this extraordinary call and you will be programmed and imprinted to know that you deserve to have financial prosperity, and God will empower you to believe in yourself and your ability to create the financial abundance you desire. In this session you will eliminate the belief that making money is a struggle, experience how God can miraculously and permanently heal negative thoughts and memories from your past, discover how this healing work affects each and every person individually to shift your consciousness (it's based on your unique needs), learn several action steps you can take right now to raise your level of vibration which will allow you to manifest and prosper easier than ever before. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Derek Rydall interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
99 perc 64. rész

Achieve ultimate fulfillment to unlock your amazing life! Experience this Q&A Super Session and Emergence exercises with Derek Rydall. In this session, you will learn the timeless principle that puts you on the path of true independence, discover powerful distinctions for creating money and relationship freedom, be guided through a process to generate whatever's missing in your life, find out how to get unstuck forever -- and never be a victim again, and receive a life-changing Quantum Healing Prayer that will instantly activate your untapped potential and lift you to a whole new level! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Christel Hughes interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 63. rész

Light up your boundaries and claim your power! Join Holistic Life Coach, Author, seminar facilitator and highly sought after Multi-Sensory Energetic Intuitive, Christel Hughes, for Lighting Up Your Boundaries: How to NOT take on Other's Energy, Be Free and Powerfully Claim Your Space in the World. In this experiential session, you will find out what the number one requirement is to protect yourself from Energetic Vampires, psychic attacks and intrusions, how to clear negative residue out of your energy field to gain clarity and reclaim your powerful space, learn how to read your own aura and see if you have a "leaky one", know if feelings are keeping you stuck from your greatest potential in any area of life, clear toxic trapped messages, attitudes, ideas and memories that don't serve you, identify your sexual pulse to see if you are sending out the wrong signals and attracting the wrong partners. Discover - is your aura distorted, full of tears, rips, holes and bulges? Fix it... and Thrive! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Karen Abrams interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
88 perc 62. rész

Experience how Theta Healing can help you unleash your financial abundance! Join Master Theta Healer Karen Abrams for Connecting to your Inner ATM: Breaking through your Money Barriers with Theta Healing. In this session you will... discover what is holding you back from reaching your financial potential, release that energy to bring in your good fortune, heal your personal relationship with money, create the appropriate discernment to move forward wisely and confidently with your financial endeavors, accept that it is your birthright to create and receive financial success in this lifetime. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Meg Benedicte interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
87 perc 61. rész

Experience amazing exercises in this session! Join Meg Benedicte for Discover How to Use the Quantum Vortex to Unlock Your Supernatural Powers! During this 'hands on' session, you will learn and experience the SECRETS of how to... use quantum physics and zero point field, sacred geometry, ancient art of alchemy and the spiral dynamic of Torus Vortex as tool for transformation at the molecular level, eliminate dis-ease by re-connecting the human self with the divine self in the physical bio-energetic field, use the vortex meditation to unlock gravity and activate the chakra centers to ignite with kundalini life force, create inner stillness, peace and balance with Zero Point Harmonics of PHI, activate the Pineal and neural network of psychic/intuitive communication with Higher Self guidance. PLEASE NOTE: If you are not used to ULTRA HIGH ENERGY please use CAUTION when taking part in any of these exercises. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Mashhur Anam interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
86 perc 60. rész

Reprogram your matrix now! Join Mashhur Anam for Holographic Transformation: Reprogram your Matrix for Abundance and Relationships. In this session you will learn how to program your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy fields to effortlessly attract abundance in all areas of your life; release blocks, remove old patterns causing disharmony and transform issues using holographic tools and programs; rerogram your personal field and consciousness to attract true love; the quickest way to raise the vibration of your personal energy, your home, your office and your business; how to detach from harmful morphic fields (group consciousness powered by massive number of people) so that you can transform your life faster; how to gradually move toward a 5th dimensional vibration. Experience this life transforming session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Rhonda Britten interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
94 perc 59. rész

Unlock your amazing life! Join Life Coach, Emmy-Award winner and repeat Oprah guest, Rhonda Britten, for Fearless Living: How to Take Risks and Live Free. Rhonda Britten has devoted her life to one thing: to teach people how to master fear. Whether that's a fear of rejection or loss; fear of failure or success; fear of abandonment or pain, Rhonda has created a method for anyone anywhere to master the invisible, insidious fear we all have of 'not being good enough.' What she teaches is what she's lived. In this session, you will discover why every single thing holding you back has one thing in common, the answer to your fears, blocks and challenges, the key secrets that keep 99% of people stuck (and how to avoid it now), exactly why "positive thinking" is not the answer. You will also learn how to tackle the issue of "not being good enough", how to be brave enough to take risks, how to overcome self-judgment, how to have more self love, joy, abundance and LIFE now. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Lori Spagna interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
95 perc 58. rész

Heal your pets; heal yourself (new threshold!) Note from Darius: "This has been one of the most astounding discoveries of my life. After this session I've really felt a much more intuitive connection NOT ONLY to my pet but what I've been sent here to learn! I really GOT the truth about things I need to learn." In this session, join Professional Intuitive, Animal Communicator, Canine Behavioral Expert for the Spiritually Conscious, Akashic Records Practitioner, and Energy Healer, Lori Spagna, for Embrace Wholeness with Our Animal Companions and Use Their Wisdom and Energy to Heal Ourselves and The World! On this amazing call you will learn how to receive wisdom, knowledge and healing for yourself and for the animals you love, live with and work with (even the human variety), learn to connect with your own animal companions and experience the healing energies they have to share with you, integrate valuable tools and insights for navigating the future of life on Earth from the perspective of the animals and Source, Creator, God, have a 2-way dialogue with all animals, human and non-humans! Listen to live pet readings with Lori! Isn't it Your Turn? Please listen with your pet and loved ones....this was amazing! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Amethyst Wyldfyre interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
77 perc 57. rész

Align yourself with the frequency of wealth! Amethyst always creates amazing shifts during calls with Darius, so get ready! Join Amethyst Wyldfyre for Prepare for Wealth - An Empowered Messenger Wealth Frequency Attunement and Sound Ceremony - Q&A Call. The ancients understood the secrets of channeling - now you can learn how to channel ideas, energies and abundance. In this session, Amethyst will gift you with surfacing and erasing wealth blocking contracts including clearing, Light Body Attunements to connect to the new frequency of wealth, an activation and opening of channels to attract more wealth. Experience a release of the energy that keeps you stuck! Listen to live readings in this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Kenji Kumara interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
81 perc 56. rész

What if you could unlock miracles? Listen to this amazing session and attunement and join us for some exercises on the call! Releasing the energy that keeps us stuck! Join Kenji Kumara for Journey Into Transformation & Miracles Part IV! In this session you will learn powerful processes to start unlocking and releasing core patterns of stress, trauma, and pain. According to Kenji, "We will start creating activations on the DNA and sub-atomic levels. Some might experience a 'light-body' alignment and a magnetic field re-alignment!" What could this mean for you? Be sure to be on this session! Get ready to find out how and experience something new! WARNING: On this session we go deep! This is a Part IV 'Attunment'. Please do not listen if you are not prepared for this level of vibration and attunement. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Jon Griffin Q&A
79 perc 55. rész

Get ready for something totally NEW - a frequency attunement! Join modern-day, spiritually motivated composer Jon Griffin for Awaken the Wealth Within: Transcending Limitations to Harmonize with Your Total Wealth. In this session, you'll discover how to drop any fear energy that is holding you back, become open to receiving love and resonate with wealth, use tones and frequencies to shift your life, re-create your resonance now, stimulate the abundance in your body through sound, and understand the magic of omni-directional awareness and intuition. In this session, you will experience tones and frequencies to remove emotional blocks. Find out how and experience something new! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Noah St. John interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
86 perc 54. rész

Listen to this session and discover the secret 5 minute technique to create your dreams! Join Noah St. John for Afformations: The Missing Piece to Having Abundance. Would you like to spend a lot less time at work and still make more money? Would you like to be more productive with a lot less stress? And would you like to attract better relationships while being more authentic? Noah is the world's most quoted expert on how to clear the "low energy" that's holding you back. On this call, he's going to tell you about his incredible formula for having more abundance and well-being in less than 5 minutes a day. On this call you'll discover why people hold themselves back from the success they're capable of, why success comes naturally for some, while the rest struggle, what "AFFORMATIONS" are and how we can use them to reach our goals twice as fast with half the effort, the #1 thing "motivational" speakers DON'T want us to know, what a little assumption we make that is costing people a fortune, and so much more. Find the missing piece today! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Joanne Justis Q&A
115 perc 53. rész

To unlock your amazing life - a must listen! Experience LIVE readings! Join Joanne Justis for the Magical Code of Numbers that Unlocks Your Power and Destiny (Chaldean Numerology is Beyond Magic!!). Learn the secrets of chaldean numerology. The Ancients understood the secrets of chaldean numerology. Joanne tells us - The Ancient Science of Numbers says that we are born with a set of unique numbers that have meanings, and from those meanings we can find out our destiny, who we are compatible with, what our personality is really like, and more. Our numbers define a sequence of events for us which, when taken in combination as a whole, describe the entire nature of our life experience. What if you could get laser-like insight into your destiny and purpose, understand your karmic journey and personal characteristics, overcome the behavior patterns that keep your stuck, understand how to take enlightened control of their life, learn where to change your multi-dimensional karmic alignment of self, be guided on which positive life decisions to take and goals to create, know how you are wired - from the "inside-out"? To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Dr. Bradley Nelson Q&A
87 perc 52. rész

Rare event! This is one of the few times that Dr. Bradley Nelson takes caller's questions. Ask yourself - Have you been trying to create success in your life? Do you feel stuck, desperate, and like nothing has worked? Have you ever had a bad experience, memory or rejection? Have you had health challenges or a lack of vitality? You may have a "Heart Wall". Let Dr. Bradley set you free in this session! Join Dr. Bradley Nelson for LIVE 1-on-1 work to Unlock the "Secret Abundance" Behind Your "Heart-Wall". In this session you will understand how to remove any 'heart walls' that may be holding you back, learn how to dissolve 'heart walls' remotely, understand the truth about creating abundance, learn why the heart is the 'master key' to abundance. We opened the lines to clear your heart walls. Find out how so many have learned why abundance, love, vitality and joy are yours to experience! Release the energy that keeps you stuck! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Suzanna Kennedy interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
89 perc 51. rész

Do YOU have your upgrade? Experience an incredible NEW vibration exercise to purify your energy and body! Join Suzanna Kennedy for amazing new exercises and session to purify and cleanse energetic toxins that could be robbing you of your natural high vibration. During this session with Sizanna you will learn what is a Quantum Awakening, what is a Quantum Upgrade, how does our energy and life respond to an upgrade, how does collective energy effect our awakening, why we need to detox our energy, what opens up during this detox, exercises and practices to detox our energy now, and much, much more! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Panache Desai Clearing
121 perc 50. rész

Ignite boundless receiving - Panache is BACK! Experience this 1-on-1 vibrational transformation session. Join Panache Desai in this session to unlock your amazing life! WARNING: During our last call we witnessed Vicki (a random caller) gain feeling in her legs and step out of her wheelchair! We have never seen or experienced anything like this. Others said the call was like a constant orgasm of JOY! Others were speechless. In this incredible session, Linda (another caller) who had not been able to see for decades, actually started to open up her sight again! What will happen to YOU? Get ready to experience direct vibrational 'uplink' to Universal Consciousness. Panache will reveal vibrational tools to dissolve trapped imprints, so you will feel nourished, inspired, and empowered to access revolutionary insights, and receive a life altering transmission to restore your natural state of being. Download the vibration that resonates with a life filled with your natural abundance. This will be an evolutionary catapult to your own awakening! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Morgana Rae interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
75 perc 49. rész

Brad Pitt, Fabio and your money... really? Find out! Exercises Inside! Wait until you experience what we did in this session... experience a SHIFT that will change you! Join Morgana Rae for How To Make Money Fall In Love With You. In this session you will experience something amazing. Get ready to shift your emotional, physical and spiritual energies around money - now! You will learn how to uncover your hidden blocks to your own abundance, how to abolish financial anxiety, learn a new way to relate to money - radically different than anything you have heard before. Discover a way to ask for more wealth and GET it. You can create irresistible "Attractors" to money. IMPORTANT NOTE: Results are not typical - Everyone is different! Discover what could happen in your life! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Carolyn Cooper interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
92 perc 48. rész

We are going to move a lot of energy on this session. Join gifted Energy Intuitive and teacher of leading edge energy healing, Carolyn Cooper, for Clearing Transformations that Stick: The #1 Secret to Altering the Outcome of Energy Work Forever. In this session you will learn 3 things you must do to get the best results from any type of Energy Healing, what is an Energetic Stance and why you must understand this, how gratitude affects wholeness of energy healing, how to feel and experience a shift now through Carolyn's method, how to lighten your life and day with fast clearings; clear DNA and lineage issues, blocks and sabotage. You will experience clearings to erase your self-sabotaging programs and shift your energy BIG time. Now - clear linage DNA and cellular memory, release blocks to worthiness, clear blocks to receiving, release fear, doubt and worry, dissolve blocks to feeling 'good enough'. Listen today for an incredible experiential breakthrough. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Ann Taylor interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
76 perc 47. rész

One of our most popular guests, Ann Taylor, is back with more powerful clearings...THAN EVER! Join Ann for Be Empowered to Manifest Financial Abundance. With Ann's healing work, you can eliminate worry about money, heal fear of lack of money, remove the belief that there's never enough money, and empower yourself to know that making money is easy. Now - you CAN be empowered to manifest financial abundance! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Derek Rydall Process
92 perc 46. rész

Amazing Quantum Healing process today - listen to the whole session! Get ready for some powerful clearings based on what you need! Join Derek Rydall for THE LAW OF EMERGENCE: How to Get Unstuck, Become Unstoppable, and Generate Whatever You Need -- No Matter What! In this journey you will learn how to end the struggle of self improvement & effortlessly fulfill your potential, learn how to never be a victim again no matter what obstacles you face, find out why whatever's missing is what you're not giving, understand why many manifestation techniques don't work, discover the difference between attraction & emergence: it's the missing link, realize your deeper calling through a simple but powerful process. In this session, receive a Quantum Prayer Treatment that will instantly activate your untapped potential and lift you to a whole new level! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Wendy Hart interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
90 perc 45. rész

This is going to be one for the record books. Wendy Joy Hart is going to blast each of us off into a new life! We are doing to learn exactly how to turn off the fear, doubt, worry and blocks so we can manifest our best life now! Join Wendy Joy Hart for The Procrastination Cure: Learn Surprising Ways You've Been Blocking Yourself and What You Can Do Instead! With over 20 years of experience in human behavior, sales and psychology, international speaker and coach Wendy Joy Hart uses little known tools and cutting-edge brain science to develop this unique system that has people end procrastination fast, and for good. Wendy has coached over 2500 clients to reduce overwhelm, increase their sales, and get past whatever barriers were causing them to be drained or stuck. In this session you'll learn exactly how procrastination happens and how to stop it, why procrastination happens (this might shock you), why what you've been using to get "unstuck" hasn't been working, what is the trapped energy that you can remove, how to release the "lead bowling ball feeling" in the pit of your stomach, the true, hidden cost of procrastination (this is way bigger than you know), and what energies and actions can change these patterns fast and for good! This session is going to skyrocket your energy, joy and fun! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Meg Benedicte interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
88 perc 44. rész

Learn the secrets to reveal your amazingness! Join Meg Benedicte for Discover How to Use the Quantum Vortex to Unlock Your Supernatural Powers! This is an amazing call. PLEASE NOTE: If you are not used to ULTRA HIGH ENERGY please use CAUTION when listening or taking part in any of these exercises. During this 'hands on' session, you will learn and experience the secrets of how to use quantum physics and zero point field, sacred geometry, ancient art of alchemy and the spiral dynamic of Torus Vortex as tool for transformation at the molecular level; eliminate dis-ease by re-connecting the human self with the divine self in the physical bio-energetic field; use the vortex meditation to unlock gravity and activate the chakra centers to ignite with kundalini life force; create inner stillness, peace and balance with Zero Point Harmonics of PHI; activate the Pineal and neural network of psychic/intuitive communication with Higher Self guidance. WARNING: the exercises in this session use ULTRA HIGH ENERGY. Use CAUTION when listening or taking part in any of these exercises. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Paul Hoffman interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
87 perc 43. rész

Create the life of your dreams with daily rituals! Join Paul Hoffman for Day Sculpting: How To Create A Mindset Of Success And Live The Life You Dream About. Paul Hoffman is an internationally known Speaker, Author, Trainer, Coach and Transformational Songwriter. He is the CEO, Visionary and Chief Inspirational Officer of The Success Creation Institute, Success Songs and Paul Hoffman Music Inc. He teaches principles and strategies based on creating Mindsets Of Success, which are created though a daily success ritual. His programs have inspired and empowered users to release limiting beliefs and thought patterns that block their desired success as they tap into the true dimension of their highest potential. In this powerful session, you will learn how to create a mindset of success just like highly successful people so, how a focused intention creates a powerful success reflex and an achievable chief aim, how to transform the sabotaging noise of competing commitments and limitations into your very own song of possibility, the Day Sculpting Focus Formula, how to create a daily success ritual so it becomes a life long success habit that expands the possibilities for your success! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Mas Sajady interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
94 perc 42. rész

Warning: Do not listen to this session if you are not serious about transforming your life. Through two near death experiences Mas Sajady has been gifted with astonishing healing abilities. Akin to famous healers throughout history very few have achieved these miraculous levels. Thousands have benefited from this natural phenomenon, in their health, relationships, financial and spiritual arenas of life. Join Mas Sajady for 21 Days to Total Abundance: How to Open the Floodgates to Abundance in All Areas of Your Life. From Mas Sajady, words of caution: For some the paradigm shifts may be too great! During this powerful breakthrough session you will choose a vibrant and healthier you, remove self-defeating patterns, tap into your creative genius, resolve persistent health issues, attract great relationships, energize your inner core for rapid achievement and live in a state of well being. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Christie Marie Sheldon Process Call
101 perc 41. rész

One of our favorites is back for an in-depth Q&A with YOU! Get ready for some powerful money clearings based on what you need! Join Christie Marie Sheldon for Unlimited Abundance - Clear Those Abundance Blocks That Are Silently Sabotaging Your Ability to Attract Wealth Q&A Process Call. In this session with Christie you will experience clearing the resistance to money, release 'Auto-Pilot' programs that are keeping you stuck financially, understand how to release doubt and fear that keep you stuck, understand your 'moto-motor' that controls the abundance you receive (and how to turn it on!), release fears of success, numbers and failures. You will finally understand how your life-robbing blocks to money work and how they are not you! Listener's questions create the clearings in the incredible session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Mark Romero interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 40. rész

Experience an evolutionary catapult to your own awakening! An extraordinary keynote artist, consultant and personal development coach, Mark Romero is recognized as a global leader in both personal and professional development through his one-of-a-kind transformational musical technology. Join Mark for Be the Composer of your Life's Experience! During this amazing healing and release session you will get the tools to be the reality creator of your life, learn how sound is a must-have to connect you to your power, experience a sound vibration healing session, learn how to release blocks using Mark's Sound Healing, understand how the Universe operates according to sound vibration. Transform your Sound Vibration reality NOW! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Panache Desai Process
80 perc 39. rész

Experience the session that enabled a woman to walk again! Panache's clearings enabled a TRANSFORMATION from wheelchair to walking! AMAZING: During this call we witnessed Vicki (a random caller) gain feeling in her legs and step out of her wheelchair! We have never seen or experienced anything like this. Other callers said the call was like a constant ORGASM of JOY! Others were speechless. Join Panache Desai for Igniting Boundless Receiving - A Vibrational Solution for a Life of Limitless Abundance. Experience this vibrational transformation session! Get ready to experience direct and vibrational "uplink" to Universal Consciousness, receive a life altering energy transmission to restore your natural state of being, download the vibration that resonates with a life filled with your natural abundance. Panache will reveal vibrational tools on this session to dissolve trapped imprints. You will feel nourished, inspired, and empowered to access revolutionary insights. This is going to be an evolutionary catapult to your own awakening! WARNING: Please enjoy this session but due to the high vibration DO NOT listen while driving or operating machinery! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Michelle Manning-Kogler interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
93 perc 38. rész

Get the answers to clearing questions and experience live clearings! Join Michelle Manning-Kogler for Q&A - Soul Clearing! Clearing the Scars and Awakening Your Soul Abundance Mindset. During this session you will experience and feel clearing at the deepest levels, a connection and vibration with your *Higher Self*, a powerful exercise to erase the pain of old traumas, clearing to free up the past and re-create your future, vibration to create a life of joy and transformation. Learn processes to show and teach to clear and connect! Clear your frequency in this session TODAY! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Debra Poneman interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
102 perc 37. rész

Learn the story and truths that rebuilt and shifted Darius' life! Join global teacher, mentor to leaders and manifestation expert, Debra Poneman, for How to Manifest Abundance that Will Never Go Away. Debra teaches us today how to have a direct experience of the prosperity that is all around you, have prosperity flow into your life, effortlessly align with prosperity, allow a higher power to take over manifesting, and create results of abundance that never go away! Learn the 5 keys to manifesting abundance as well as the 5 mistakes to avoid now that will keep it away! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Susan Shumsky Q&A
80 perc 36. rész

What if you could open to your precise intuition? Join Susan Shumsky for Q&A ~Awaken~ YOUR Divine Guidance. In this revealing Q&A session with Susan, she'll share how you can tune out 'other voices' that seek to harm you, understand 'Faker' ppirits and how to avoid them, avoid psychic deception, become your own 'Guru' of you, understand your divine inner contract, cut psychic cords holding you back and avoid psychic sponges that can harm you. Open to your higher self - your divine guide! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Derek Rydall interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
88 perc 35. rész

Find out all of these breakthroughs... TRUTHS! Derek is back to personally answer your questions. Darius says "The most POWERFUL call I've even been on...Derek...SHIFTED the Planet". Join Derek Rydall for a personal Q&A The Real Secret: How to End the Struggle of Self Improvement and Magical Prayer! In this personal Q&A, Derek will share incredible **release and awakening** processes and you will discover the missing link to why some programs and processes don't work, experience a rapid process for activating more wealth and healing energy, avoid the 'unattractive side' of the 'law of attraction', learn the most powerful prayer for accelerating your spiritual awakening, learn how to create the life of your matter what! Listen now - WARNING: this call will shift your paradigm quickly. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Carol Look interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 34. rész

Get ready to release the blocks that are holding you back NOW!! Live exercises to clear blocks! A success and abundance coach in the energy psychology field with a distinguished background in traditional psychotherapy, Carol Look's specialty is inspiring clients to attract abundance into their lives by using EFT/ Meridian Tapping and the Law of Attraction to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance and build "prosperity consciousness." Join Carol for Tapping for Abundance (exercises included)! In this session you will learn a new 'definition' of abundance to improve your financial life, 2 major keys to start attracting abundance, how to start releasing the top 3 keys that block success! Experience a powerful release exercise and powerful, quick and easy energy release technique! Carol has some incredible information and exercises to share! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Ann Taylor interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
67 perc 33. rész

Our most popular speaker, Ann Taylor, is back with more powerful clearings...THAN EVER! And she has something new and amazing to share! Join Ann Taylor for Be Empowered to Manifest Financial Abundance. With Ann's healing work you can eliminate worry about money, heal fear of lack of money, remove the belief that there's never enough money, empower youself to know that making money is easy. Finally - gain the confidence to make decisions that support you, your goals and desires! Eliminate worry about money! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Joe Rubino interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
70 perc 32. rész

Let's shift the planet and help everyone develop their own unique and powerful value! Awaken your Self Esteem! Join Joe Rubino for Earn a Lucrative Living as a Self Esteem Coach. In this session with Joe, you will learn how to have unstoppable self esteem, draw people, experiences, and abundance to YOU as you HELP others, be in demand as Self-Esteem Elevation Coach and change lives, earn abundance while helping others around the planet doing something meaningful and powerful. Get the secrets and step-by-step formula that helped Dr. Joe Rubino help millions of lives! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Panache Desai Q&A with Darius Barazandeh
94 perc 31. rész

This is going to be an evolutionary carapult to your own awakening! Experience this vibrational transformation session! Join Panache Desai for a new process and clearing call Igniting Boundless Receiving: A Vibrational Solution for a Life of Limitless Possibilities. PLEASE NOTE: Panache will be sharing some incredible new processes! In this session with Panache you will experience new clearings and awakenings, a direct and vibrational 'uplink' to Universal consciousness, Panache will reveal vibrational tools on the session to dissolve trapped imprints, you will feel nourished, inspired, and empowered to access revolutionary insights, receive a life altering energy transmission to restore your natural state of being. Download the vibration that resonates with a life filled with your natural abundance. Accept this gift of your power! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

DaKara Kies interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
85 perc 30. rész

Experience an activation of the Heart Point Technique and unlock your "receiving power"! Join DaKara Kies for Relinquishing Struggle: Stepping Into Your Radiance. DaKara specializes in releasing core patterns that are holding you back in life, and releasing the pain of this life, past lives, childhood and ancestral lines with laser intuitive vision. Her intuitive ingenuity and savvy business acumen, guides and directs her clients in moving forward, hanging their shingle and standing in the truth of the essence of who they are and why they are on this beautiful planet at this time. In this session with DaKara, you will get a live healing and transformation using the Heart Point Technique, end the energy of struggle, remove an 'implantor device' that is anchoring struggle into your life, activate the part of your brain that is pre-programmed to shine and radiate, step into your energy of flow so you can flourish! Get ready for a new and amazing frequency! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Jon Griffin interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
81 perc 29. rész

Get ready for something totally new - a live frequency attunement! Join Jon Griffin for Awaken the Wealth Within: Transcending limitations to harmonize with your total wealth. In this session with Jon, you will learn how to drop any fear energy that is holding you back, become open to receiving love and resonate with wealth, use tones and frequencies to shift you life, experience tones and frequencies to remove emotional blocks, recreate your resonance now, stimulate the abundance in your body through sound understand the magic of Omni-Directional awareness and intuition. Jon Griffin is a Music Producer, Composer and audio Engineer who is dedicated to vibrational healing of sound and music. He has traveled the world studying music and cultures, environmental soundscapes and vibrational energy. Listen now to unlock your amazing life and experience more of Jon's amazing music in this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Richard Gordon interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
71 perc 28. rész

Listen now to unlock your amazing life! Revealing Q&A with Richard Gordon: The New Human: Redefining What it Means to Have No Boundaries. What if you could finally and absolutely learn how to change energy and HEAL? In this session, you will learn how to permanently raise your vibration, heal your family and release illness, allergies, pain, sadness, and more, heal animals and remove their fear, illness, pain, change your life by healing others, get incredible results from your own ability to heal people, water and even heal remotely! This is different - with Quantum Touch YOU become the healer! Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., the founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association said "Quantum Touch appears to be the first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers." Experience it today! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Dain Heer Q&A
78 perc 27. rész

Get ready for *NEW* Access Consciousness clearings! On this powerful *RELEASE* session you will learn how to release your blocks, pain and worry. You may experience 'clearing' of physical pain. In this special session we are going to do some new and powerful clearings. Join Dain Heer for some clearings that will help you unlock the chains that keep your life purpose, release blocks to true happiness, turn up your receiving of money, create joy around receiving money, learn to live in total abundance, understand the new 'Kingdom of We'. Experience Dain's amazing clearings and release methods that will shift your life NOW! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Larry Crane interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
75 perc 26. rész

Bring your challenges, blocks and fears to this live release session with Larry Crane! In this powerful **release** session you will learn how to release your blocks, pain and worry. You may experience "clearing" of physical pain. Join Larry Crane for Welcome to a Reality that has Never Existed Before with bonus Consciousness Boost Clearing exercises! In this session you will learn why 100,000 graduates swear by this method, get to experience *RELEASE*, learn how to rid yourself of negative emotions, take control of your life, understand the path to attain wealth, release the mental blocks to love, health and more! Larry will show you powerful releasing exercises to lose your negative emotions and take back the joy of your life. Release and create joy NOW! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Christy Westen interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
85 perc 25. rész

Is something draining your vitality, healing, youth, energy and happiness? Learn how to be simply vibrant using the Earth's natural unlimited power! Following her passion for natural medicine, Dr. Christy Weston received her doctor of chiropractic degree from Northwestern Health Sciences University. Her post-doctorate focus has been in the field of epigenetics - expanding her knowledge base in the areas where individuals have influence over the expression of their genes, namely detoxification, nutrition, and stress adaptation. As the founder of Simply Vibrant, a revolutionary new concept in natural health, Dr. Christy is currently passionate about research and clinical applications in the new and exciting field of Earthing. She believes that attaining and maintaining vibrant health comes from reconnection; from reconnecting with our innate ability to heal, to each other, and to the limitless healing power of the Earth. Join Dr. Christy Weston to Learn QUICK & Easy Steps to Connect to Unlimited Power! In this session you will learn why energy robbing 'man made' electric grids could rob your high vibration, how to reclaim your natural power and frequency, how illness, disease and low energy are being created, how to 'unplug' from this 'toxic grid'. Learn the simple steps to reclaim your own power and how to simply protect yourself and your family now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Harrison Klein interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 24. rész

Get ready for a session that will blow your mind! Harrison will be blowing our minds and opening our hearts! Join Harrison Klein for an informative Q&A: Already Abundant: Materializing Wealth and Joy through your body's energy systems. In this session you will understand how to 'unlock' your power, use the I Am' power to dramatically change your life, understand how to clear your own systems, how to create 'deservingness' now, how to open up your joy center, how to create wealth from the 'I Am', how miracles happen, and so much more! Find out about all of these breakthrough in this experiential session. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Derek Rydall interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
89 perc 23. rész

What is the danger of the law of attraction or self development program if you don't practice 'emergence'? NOW - join Derek Rydall for Q&A: THE REAL SECRET: How to End the Struggle of Self Improvement and Effortlessly Achieve Your Full Potential! In this session with Derek, you will discover the missing link to why some programs and processes don't work, experience a rapid process for activating more wealth and healing energy, learn how to avoid the 'unattractive side' of the 'law of attraction', learn the most powerful prayer for accelerating your spiritual awakening, and learn how to create the life of your dreams no matter what. Join Derek for this revealing Q&A and find out about all of these breakthroughs and truths. Experience an incredible breakthrough! This is an incredibly full session with exercises! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Symeon Rodger interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
90 perc 22. rész

Learn the SHOCKING ancient secrets to incredible manifestation. Experience Dr. Symeon Rodger's breakthrough session Your Body Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets for Shifting Consciousness and Manifesting the Life you Really Want. In this session, you will be learning and experiencing how the current education on attraction could keep you stuck, how to 'reverse' the mass hypnosis that keeps 99% of people hopeless, helpless, and sick, how to 'bullet-proof' yourself against negative states and energies, how to download infallible insight, learn how somatic power can revolutionize our life, simple exercises to dramatically shift your manifesting ability, and many ancient and shocking new secrets from the amazing Dr. Symeon Rodger. WARNING: EXERCISES INCLUDED. Dr. Symeon will 'pull no punches' in this session and one of Darius' trusted authorities on manifestation, health and 'Somatic Power'. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Ann Taylor interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
74 perc 21. rész

Get ready! Ann Taylor, one of our most popular speakers, is back with clearings more powerful than ever! Join Ann Taylor for Bonus Consciousness Boost & Clearing Call. In Ann's deep clearing session you will experience something amazing. In this powerful clearing session you will remove your blocks to wealth, release the blocks to living your gifts and finding certainty release feelings of 'not enough', fear and doubt. Also - Ann will share something new and amazing! Listen today! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Morgana Rae interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
90 perc 20. rész

Could Money fall in love with you? Listen today to find out how! Get ready to SHIFT your emotional, physical and spiritual energies around Money now! Join Morgana Rae for How To Make Money Fall In Love With You. In this session you will experience something amazing and learn how to uncover your hidden blocks to your own abundance, abolish financial anxiety, learn a new way to relate to money that is radically different from anything you have heard before. Discover a way to ask for more wealth and get it! Create irresistible *attractors* for money. Wait until you experience what we did in this session - wow! Brad Pitt, Fabio and your Money - really? Find out now - exercises inside! IMPORTANT NOTE: Results are not typical - Everyone is different! Discover what could happen in your life! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Panache Desai interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
84 perc 19. rész

Experience something revolutionary! Something amazing is going to happen! You've heard our top teachers mentioning him. His words can shift our thoughts instantly. He is a totally new vibration. His will could shift you right now. Join Panache Desai for Igniting Boundless Receiving - A Vibrational Solution for a Life of Limitless Abundance and learn about his "Experience Vibrational Transformation (TM)". Get ready to experience: a revolutionary approach to your transformation; a physical, emotional and vibrational 'uplink' to universal consciousness; two live vibrational tools on the session (to dissolve trapped imprints); feeling nourished, inspired, and empowered to access revolutionary insights; receiving a life altering energy transmission to restore your natural state of being; feel the vibration that resonates with a life filled with your natural abundance. This is going to be an evolutionary catapult to your own awakening! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Kenji Kumara interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
75 perc 18. rész

Listen to this amazing session and attunement! What if you could unlock miracles? Join Kenji Kumara for some exercises in this session: Journey Into Transformation & Miracles. In this session you will learn tools and strategies releasing the energy that keeps you stuck! Experience powerful processes to release core patterns of stress, trauma, pain. According to Kenji "We will start creating activations on the DNA and sub-atomic levels. Some might experience a 'light-body' alignment and a magnetic field re-alignment!" What could this mean for you? Get ready to find out and experience something new! WARNING: In this session you will go deep - DO NOT listen while driving or operating equipment while listening to this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Marcy Neumann interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
84 perc 17. rész

Get ready to experience something new! Join Marcy Neumann for CellpH (Self) Love: The Missing Link to Healing. Marcy Neumann is a registered nurse, spiritual minister, certified hypnotist, Reiki Master level teacher, and is the creator of CELLpH LOVE, a unique and cutting-edge 'self help', health and wellness program. Marcy has been a liaison between the physical and meta-physical worlds for over 30 years, and incorporates both worlds in every aspect of her work. What would your life be like if your body was healthy? If you had a deep and loving 'Soul Mate'? If you had a clear purpose and direction? If you knew how to manifest money? If you had infinite joy? Discover how you can realize your best life by connecting to your infinite and true self! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Michelle Manning-Kogler interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
73 perc 16. rész

Listen today and learn tools and strategies for an amazing clearing at the deepest levels! Join Michelle Manning-Kogler for Quantum Soul Clearing Process: Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul. In this session we will do be doing exercises and clearings to clear at the DEEP levels, connect and work with your *Higher Self*, erase the PAIN of old traumas, free up the past and recreate your future. You will learn how to create a life of joy and transformation now! Michelle will show and teach why you must connect to the divine core center. Experience exercises and clearings to clear your frequency in this session TODAY! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Gay & Katie Hendricks interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
76 perc 15. rész

Ask yourself - are you single? Are you a couple? Is this for you? Join Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks for "The Relationship Catalyst: How to Engage the Energy of 2012 to Create More Love In Your Life". Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., has been a major contributor to the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies for more than 35 years. Along with his wife, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks, Gay is the co-author of many bestsellers, including Conscious Loving and Five Wishes. After a twenty-one-year career as a professor of Counseling Psychology at University Colorado, he and Kathlyn founded The Hendricks Institute, which is based in Ojai, California and offers seminars worldwide. In recent years he has also been active in creating new forms of conscious entertainment. Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., BC-DMT has been a pioneer in the field of body-mind integration for nearly forty years. Her explorations about the catalytic transformational power of the creative arts have been featured in many magazines, journals and books. Would you like to attract effortlessly someone special to share your life with? Would you like to feel more love than you've ever felt before...without 'working' on the relationship? It may seem like magic, but it's real. In this session, you will learn how to dissolve old patterns holding you back from the love and fulfillment you deserve, to manifest your dreams and desires with someone else, to draw into your life the right person (if you are single, widowed, or looking), and - finally - how to create and attract the love in your life! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Joshua Bloom interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
78 perc 14. rész

This is going to be a POWERFUL session. Joshua will reveal 'The Ultimate Answer'! Join nationally recognized author and Quantum Healing Expert, Joshua Bloom, for Evolution of 'Beingness': How to Become the Person Free of Illness and Lack NOW. In this session, you will learn how to 'INSTANTLY' shift through the secret Quantum Processes that Joshua discovered; how this 'Ultimate Answer' is different than anything else available today; how he has assisted clients to release ailments such as lack, limitation, scarcity, emotional trauma and even fibromyalgia, pain, anxiety, depression, allergies, eczema, rosacea and more; how you can HEAL yourself using this Quantum Energy Transformation Technology. Find out why 'Transformation' is different than healing, why people do not heal and how to shift energy into transformation, how to leave the "stuck" and open into any possibility, and how to end 'victimhood' and create UNLIMITED power. Find out about all of these breakthroughs - the truths of Quantum Healing - and get THREE experiential breakthroughs! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Sheila Gale interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
87 perc 13. rész

Today - FINALLY wake up to the authentic you! A true healer, and Deeksha Blessing Giver, Sheila Gale is also an Access Consciousness Facilitator and leads workshops worldwide. Sheila is also one of the world's top syndicated radio hosts in the Inspirational, Spiritual, Energy Healing and Human Potential movement. Her quick wit and willingness to openly share her struggles on her daily LIVE radio show, 'The Sheila Show; Inspiration For Your Life", give listeners a presence of "Realness" that is sadly lacking on today's airwaves. In this session, join Sheila Gale for THRIVE: You Are What The World Has Been Waiting For! You will learn how to thrive - TODAY; techniques and processes to actually receive all that you have longed for; how to create and generate your service or products that will generate lots of money; how to receive abundance from the Universe (it's not what you think!); how to bring more money - NOW - into your life. You can thrive in this economy and create a life you love. Listen and hear the steps you can take NOW to finally be in your power! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Derek Rydall interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 12. rész

Could this be the real secret to ending the struggle of self-improvement? Learn how to effortlessly achieve your full potential! Experience amazing experiential breakthrough exercises! Join Derek Rydall for The Magical Truth of Emergence & Why the Law of Attraction Could Be Dangerous. In this session you will learn about potential dangers with the Law of Attraction or self development programs if you don't practice 'emergence'; discover the missing link to why some programs and processes don't work; experience a rapid process for activating more wealth and healing energy; avoid the 'unattractive side' of the 'Law of Attraction'; learn the most powerful prayer for accelerating your spiritual awakening; learn how to create the life of your dreams - no matter what! Find out about all of these breakthroughs and incredible truths. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Richard Gordon interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
80 perc 11. rész

Now YOU can learn to BE the healer - learn Quantum Touch! With 35 years of experience, Richard Gordon is considered a visionary and pioneer in the field of energy healing, and the founder of 'Quantum-Touch', a global health institution. Quantum-Touch currently has certified practitioners in over 50 countries and has over 500 certified instructors around the world! In this session, join Richard Gordon for The New Human: Redefining What it Means to Have No Boundaries. Now you can learn how to change energy and HEAL; raise your vibration; heal your family to release illness, allergies, pain, sadness, and more; heal animals and remove fear, illness, pain; change your life by healing others and changing your own state; realize incredible results when you heal people, heal water, heal remotely. You become the Healer with Quantum Touch! Find out why abundance, love, vitality and joy are YOURS to experience! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Hans King interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
66 perc 10. rész

Have you been trying to create success in your life? Would you like to connect with Spirit so you can remove blocks? Would you like to receive healing from spirit to clear those blocks? Internationally acclaimed Intuitive and Spiritual Teacher, Hans King, will show us how to change our lives by changing intentions from spirit guidance! Join Hans for Change Your Life by Changing Your Intention (Let's Discover How to Let Spirit Remove Blocks). This session is going to open us up, releasing the energy that keeps us stuck! Now you can use the higher dimensions to raise your vibration and learn how to get clearing guidance from SPIRIT today. Learn how to bridge your intentions across the spiritual and physical worlds, and you will learn how to open up to spirit and release blocks. Imagine if 'Spirit' could help you release your blocks; what if your Angels wanted you 'cleared' of limitations; how do you access this infinite power; how do you make it part of your life FOREVER; how do you create a MAGICAL LIFE now? Hans, is a rare and acclaimed Spiritual Medium who also teaches us to create a magnificent life. This is a rare and powerful session, so listen today! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Dr. Bradley Nelson interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
80 perc 9. rész

Ask yourself... have you been trying to create success in your life? Do you feel stuck, desperate, and like nothing has worked? Have you ever had a bad experience, memory or rejection? Have you had health challenges or a lack of vitality? You may have a HEART WALL! In the session, you will be set free! Join Dr. Bradley Nelson for Unlock the 'Secret Abundance' Behind Your "Heart-Wall" A specialist in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology and one of the nation's foremost experts in magnetic healing, Dr. Bradley Nelson has developed a simple yet powerful self-help healing method known as "The Body Code," of which "The Emotion Code" is a part. In this session, you will learn why abundance, love, vitality and joy are yours to experience! This is one of the few times that Dr. Bradley Nelson answered questions from callers! You will understand how to remove ANY 'Heart Walls' that may be holding you back; learn how to DISSOLVE 'Heart Walls' remotely; understand the truth about creating abundance; learn why the heart is the 'Master Key' to abundance. Listen today to release the energy that keeps you stuck! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Carol Tuttle interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
78 perc 8. rész

Today we clear your Chakras to remove blocks to abundance and wealth! Listen today for clearing exercises! Join Energy Therapist Carol Tuttle for Chakra Healing - Release Your Own Personal Energy for Wealth and Abundance. An internationally acclaimed and award-winning author, speaker and businesswoman, Carol has received her Master Certification is several modalities, including Reiki, Rapid Eye Therapy, EFT, Tapping and Energy Medicine. We will be *CLEARING* your Chakra system to blast open your true wealth earning ability; blast open your sexual energy and attraction power.; awaken your highest pure self esteem and confidence; cosmically expand your deepest empathy and love; ignite and access 'True Voice', inspiration and brilliance! Experience exercises during the session to help open and *CLEAR* your Chakra system! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Kenji Kumara interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
75 perc 7. rész

What if you could UNLOCK miracles? Experience some powerful exercises in this session! Join complimentary energy medicine (CAM) specialist and multi-dimensional visionary teaching and healing ascended energies channel, Kenji Kumara, for Journey Into Transformation & Miracles. Now you can release the energy that keeps you stuck! Learn powerful processes to start UNLOCKING it and release core patterns of stress, trauma, and pain. According to Kenji, this session will create activations on the DNA and sub-atomic levels. Some listeners did experience a 'light-body' alignment and a magnetic field re-alignment! Dr. Kenji showed us things we've never experienced before - this session is a must listen! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Wendi Friesen interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
71 perc 6. rész

Find your gift and SHIFT deep intention to transform every aspect of your life! Wendi helped Darius transform his life 5 years ago - NOW - isn't it your turn? Described as a Mind Coach Genius, and a Life Changing Strategist by her colleagues, clients and the media, Wendi Friesen is known worldwide for creating dynamic mental strategies that are used by executives, athletes, addicts and students for the past 15 years. Join Wendi for Hypnotic Energy Shift- Creating Deep Intention That will Transform Every Aspect of your Life. In this session you will learn how to create a Hypno-Energy shift; how an energy BLOCK works and how to release it easily; why understanding how to CLEAR is so important; the tools you can use everyday - yours FREE in this session; Wendi's unique version of the ancient Hawaiian process for 'Wealth, Joy and Abundance'; processes, tools, and more hypno-energetic practices. Plus, she will cover how to 'Get Happy', how to experience 'Inner Peace', and the secret of the 'Kindness Karma' and how it can UNLOCK nearly any adversity. Wendi is sharing her best energy shift technology, so get ready for some incredible EXERCISES and DEEP WORK! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Jennifer Hough interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
80 perc 5. rész

Today - experience a permanent energy activation! Join speaker, author, gifted intuitive, holistic nutritionist and teacher of the art of awakening, Jennifer Hough, for Cellular Awakening: Mastering Your Uncommon Senses. You will experience two IMMEDIATE energy activations; the difference between awakening and the Law of Attraction (why awakening is much faster); a physical experience of your freedom; a lasting activation of this technology; creating direct guidance from the 60 trillion cells in your body! Journey into transformation and miracles - yes YOU can create your magical life! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Burt Goldman interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
85 perc 4. rész

Listen NOW! Strange Quantum time travel reveals our alternate selves and opens infinite abundance! Experience powerful exercises to create your new reality and reset your wealth blueprint! Join Burt Goldman for Reset Your Blueprint & Re-Create Your Destiny. You can learn the Quantum Jumping Method to reset your prosperity blueprint. What if you could learn a new SKILL by 'jumping' into the Quantum; earn more money by 'Quantum Jumping'; instantly CONNECT to your ALTERNATIVE SELF; contact your wealthy 'TWIN' self; heal the past....RESET the future; even communicate with the deceased? Get the exercise and prepare to Quantum Jump! Reset your blueprint & re-create your destiny! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Alex Loyd interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
93 perc 3. rész

Are your success codes turned off? Why do 99% of people have their wealth, health and joy turned off? Listen today - exercises happening! Join Amazon #1 Best Selling author and doctor of both Psychology and Naturopathic Medicine, Dr. Alex Loyd, for Your Success Code Mechanism: Is Your Wealth, Health and Joy Turned Off? In the informative session, Dr. Alex will share: how this code works in our lives; how to know if your code has been turned off; how to UNLOCK the codes in your life; where these codes come from; what you MUST KNOW about unlocking your own codes; how UNLOCKING the codes in your life can create more abundance, love, joy and vitality NOW. He will also share an amazing exercise you can do immediately! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Christie Marie Sheldon interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
83 perc 2. rész

Money Clearing session - worried about money? Listen now for NEW powerful clearings! Join Christie Marie Sheldon for Clear Those MONEY Blocks Sabotaging Your Ability To Attract Wealth. In the money clearing session with Christie Marie, you will: learn and experience clearing the resistance to money; release 'auto-pilot' programs keeping you stuck financially; understand how to release doubt and fear that keep you stuck; understand your 'mojo motor' that controls the abundance you receive (and how to turn it ON); release fears of success, numbers and failures. You will finally understand how your life-robbing blocks to money work and how they are not you! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

Susan Shumsky interviewed by Darius Barazandeh
88 perc 1. rész

Awaken your divine guidance! Get ready for some powerful exercises - an incredible EXPERIENTIAL session! Listen now and learn the shocking truths of how to connect to your 'God Self' and protect against harmful energies. Join Susan Shumsky and Open to Your Higher Self - Your Divine Guide! In this session, you learn how to open to your precise intuition; tune out 'other voices' that seek to harm you: understand 'Faker' Spirits and how to avoid them: avoid psychic deception: become your own 'Guru' of you: understand your Divine Inner Contract: cut psychic CORDS holding you back: avoid Psychic "sponges" that can harm you. WARNING: If you have been a seeker or someone who has spent time in spiritual study you must take a moment to use the clearings of this call. Susan shared why you could be taking on other HARMFUL energies that are NOT YOURS! You will learn how to trust your own voice, connect to Angels, and protect yourself from 'Faker' spirits and HARMFUL cords, contracts, sponges and darker energies that could be affecting you! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

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