Kids Bible Stories

Kids Bible Stories

I hope you enjoy these engaging and fun Bible stories. We will learn through captivating stories while using our imagination. My hope is that your kids love them and that the application section helps you sow seeds that can be watered and grow into something beautiful in your children. The Bible teaches that "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:27. May your children hear the word through these enjoyable podcasts. While you're driving to the grocery store, preschool, or attempting to cook a meal as your toddler runs circles around you, let your little ones have a good time listening. Here is an opportunity to decrease screen time while still teaching and entertaining your child. Let their imaginations run wild with informative yet wondrous Bible stores. May hearing these words inspire you and your family. Enjoy!

Jessica White Religion & Spirituality 4 évad 136 rész Kids Bible Stories Podcast
#112: What if David Had a Bad Attitude?
9 perc 112. évad 3. rész

Today we get to play "what if" with David. David had already been anointed to be the next King yet he was still cheerful in obeying the every day, ordinary tasks. Tasks that would have seemed to be far beneath a king. When David woke up that morning, he didn't know he was going to be battling Goliath! There was opportunity for him in the ordinary. IF David had done just a few things differently, he may not have ended up fighting Goliath, saving his people, and glorifying God. David's attitude towards the ordinary helped him be ready for the opportunity to beat Goliath. 

To hear the entire David and Goliath story, please listen first to episode # 112A. For further context, please listen to the series which is episodes # 6-12

To connect with me or support this podcast, please click the link below:

THANK YOU for sharing the Gospel with your children!

#138 Exodus part 1: MOSES
13 perc 4. évad 138. rész

Exodus 1&2:1-10 & Acts 17:26

This is part 1 in our series on Exodus. There is so much to unpack here that I have turned it into multiples episodes so the kids get the whole context. 

I respect each families ages/stages of life so I have adapted some of this. PLEASE go back and read the scriptures including what is appropriate for your family.

In today's episode, we will  be introduced to Moses and what was happening to the Israelites during this time.  We will hear how God had a plan for Moses just like He has a plan for us.

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#137: Heaven
14 perc 4. évad 137. rész

Heaven...what will it be like? No one knows all of the answers to this but we will use what the Bible tells us about it through John's experience. Today's story will cover these parts of heaven:

1. God will be with us

2. Everyone and everything will live in perfect peace

3.There will be no sickness or hurting

4. There will be no more pain; all the pain/sadness we've felt on Earth will be undone and repaired.

I respect each families ages and stages of life so, I have chosen specific scriptures for this. Please go back and read them for yourself, including anything you feel is appropriate for your family. 

To connect with me or send your child's picture of heaven to me go to 

I look forward to seeing their wonderful imaginations in their drawings about heaven and will be posting them on my IG and FB pages to share w/ the community. 

#136: The Good Samaritan
10 perc 4. évad 136. rész

Luke 10:25-37

A man asks Jesus to explain who his neighbor is. Jesus then tells the story of 3 men who passed by a hurt man but only 1 of them helped him. Only 1 of them treated the hurt man as his neighbor. We learn what the Bible means when it says you must love your neighbor as you love yourself. Our story shows us it matters WHO we are. Are we people who will help others and obey Jesus or will we only do so if it's the right person, place and time to do so.  

The apply section will help the children connect the dots and apply this in their own lives.

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update episode #1
2 perc 4. évad 134. rész

This is different than our usual.....this is our brief, special update episode. I want to say THANK YOU to my listeners and show how YOUR generous donations have impacted the kids. When you donate, you partner with KBS in spreading the Gospel to children globally.  In addition to this, 10% goes back to outreach programs that helps meet the needs of children and their families. 

I will be doing special update episodes sharing stories of the impact KBS has had on families. I want my listeners to hear what I get to hear, and know that they are making this possible....that THEY are spreading the Gospel to children all over the world. 

If you would like me to share a story, simply click the link  and email me your story.

#135: Saved by Grace Part 2: I Obey b/c I'm loved
7 perc 4. évad 135. rész

Romans 6:1-2 & 12-14

This is part 2 in our short series: "Saved by Grace." We are tackling some hard concepts so this is shorter than our average. I wanted it concise so they can grasp this and understand how it applies to their lives. 

I have many ages and stages of life that listen. I try my best to respect this so, please go back and read the scriptures, teaching what is appropriate for your family. 

To connect with me, simply click the link

THANK you for listening and sharing the Gospel with your children!

#134: Saved by Grace Part 1-It CAN'T be Earned
7 perc 4. évad 134. rész

This is part 1 in our short series, Saved by Grace. The kids learn the definition of grace and are presented with the truth that  NONE of us earn God's love or forgiveness; rather it is a gift. We apply this to their own lives using the analogy of getting a gift. 

I hope this resource is helpful for your family!

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#133: I'm with You Always
10 perc 4. évad 133. rész

Matthew 28

HAPPY EASTER! Today we will pick up our story after Jesus was placed in the tomb. The story reminds us of the HOPE & TRUTH  we have:

1. That all power in heaven and on earth has been given to Him.

2. He is with us not sometimes, not when we are in a specific building or situation, BUT that HE is with us ALWAYS!  

The apply section at the end helps to connect these dots for the kids in a very practical way for them especially with what is currently happening with COVID. I hope this facilitates good conversations with you and your children!

Happy Easter!

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#132: Man in the Mirror
8 perc 4. évad 132. rész

James 1:19-25

Today's story reminds us that if we hear God's word but don't actually obey, then we are like a man who looks in the mirror, walks away, and forgets what he looks like. 

I try to connect the dots for the kids in a way they will understand and be able to apply this story to their own lives. 

I hope you all enjoy!

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#131 Favoritism
8 perc 4. évad 131. rész

James 2:1-8

James teaches us not to judge others simply by their outward appearance. He reminds us of why this is important and connects us back to the Golden rule : "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." The kids will hear how this story applies to their own lives; whether it's at school or basketball practice. They will hear why we shouldn't judge others on outward appearances. They will also think about the flip side to this... what they can do when someone does this to them.  

Thanks for listening!

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#130: Marvel
9 perc 4. évad 130. rész

Psalm 19:1-6 & Isaiah 40: 25-29

Today's story reminds us why it's important to stop and take in the wonders God has created around us. They are true miracles that can point us back to Him, the Creator. You children are usually very good at this. You  enjoy asking, "but why? Why do the leaves change color, why is the sky blue?" Even when we answer your questions with scientific words and terms we've made to describe what happens in nature, it does not take away the miracle behind how nature works. So kids, be curious; enjoy stopping and staring, and let what you learn make you marvel at how incredible our Creator is. 

#129: Esther part II
23 perc 4. évad 129. rész

Esther 2:19-7:7

I respect each family's ages/stages of life so I have chosen to edit some of this story. Please go back and read the scriptures yourself and feel free to discuss with your kids as you see fit.

We continue our story on Esther from last week. In today's story, we will hear how Esther has to make a serious decision; will she do what is right or that which she knows is wrong. Our story reminds us that perhaps God made her Queen at just the right time, in the right place, for this exact reason. We connect these dots to Kid's every day lives. I hope this facilitates some good conversations between you and your children. 

Thanks for listening!

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#128: Esther part I
11 perc 4. évad 128. rész

Esther 1-2:18

By listener request, we are doing the story of Esther. There is so much to be learned that we had to split this into 2 parts. I respect each families ages/stages of life so I have chosen to edit some parts for the kids. Please feel free to read the scriptures yourself and discuss it as you see fit for your family. 

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#126: Muddy Eyes; Part I
13 perc 4. évad 126. rész

John 9:1-25

Part 1 in our 2 part series.

This is the classic story of Jesus healing a blind man. Jesus' friends ask him what caused this man to be born blind. Jesus shifts the focus from the cause to the purpose behind it all. This story reminds us God's power can shine through even tough times so that all of us can learn about Jesus.

Thanks for listening!

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#127: Muddy Eyes part II
8 perc 3. évad 127. rész

John 9:24-38  & John 20:30-31

We pick up from last week's story where Jesus healed the blind man. In this part of our story, we will hear how Jesus performed miracles so that we can know Him. He leaves us stories about himself, and wants us to know Him. He doesn't play hide and seek with us, hoping we never find Him. 

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#125 Jesus is Born
11 perc 3. évad 125. rész

It's Christmas! Today is the day we get to hear about the exciting story of Jesus' birth. Join us on this incredible story that changes EVERYTHING! He is the King of Kings yet, born in a humble barn. Jesus gave it all up to be with us because He loves us so much!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. 

To connect with me, click the link here


#124: The Journey to Bethlehem; Advent week 4
9 perc 3. évad 124. rész

Luke 2:1-6

Off to Bethlehem Mary and Joseph go. What a journey it will be! They didn't have cars or trains to help them travel. Instead, they made the journey by foot & with the help of a donkey. Join us today as we learn about their journey to the little town of Bethlehem. We will use our wonderful imaginations God has given us to really think about what their journey may have been like. 

I hope you all enjoy!

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#123: JOY & LIGHT; Advent wreath week 3
7 perc 3. évad 123. rész

John 1:1-8

We are in our 3rd week using our advent wreath. Today, we hear how Jesus is described as light. The Bible tells us that the darkness will not overpower the light. The story reminds us of the joy and hope we have in Jesus. We will notice the sharp contrast between dark and light and observe how beautiful light is....even in the little things such as the glowing christmas lights hanging around town that pierce through the dark, crisp night. 

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Thanks for tuning in this Christmas season!


#122 PREPARE; Advent wreath week 2
8 perc 3. évad 122. rész

Mark 1:1-7

This is week 2 in our advent series. Today, we will be using our 2nd purple candle in our wreath. Our story will be told from Mark. Mark reminds us that a very long time ago, a man named Isaiah told us there would be a man who would  prepare a way for the Lord..that man would be John the Baptist.  We get to hear how John the Baptist prepared others for Jesus. From our story, we will learn how we too can prepare ourselves and others for Jesus this joyful Christmas.

The links for candle colors and 2 options for FREE advent wreath printables are here. I included options for different ages and interest levels. 

option 1

option 2

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Music by Kevin MacLeod "silent night." Licensed under creative commons. By attribution 3.0 license. 

#121 HOPE; Advent wreath week 1
7 perc 3. évad 121. rész

Mark 13:32-37

This is week 1 in our advent series. Today we will light or color our purple candle as we listen to our story. Our story will remind us of hope. We have hope that our king will return once again, but in the mean time, we must wait. 

We get to hear what Jesus says about how to wait for his return. What does waiting well look like?  Tune in to hear today's story and enjoy the apply section at the end. I hope it facilitates good conversations between you and your children and helps them connect the dots.  

If you would like to print candles to color, simply follow the links. I gave options to support different ages and interests, so pick which suits you best. 

option 1 

option 2

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#120 Dan the Great Fish (Read-A-Loud book)
14 perc 3. évad 120. rész

This is our very, very special episode b/c this episode was turned into a Read-A-Loud book! This beautifully illustrated book can be used on your digital devices OR printed from home. The book comes to you as a PDF sent to your email. I created it so you can have multiple copies! 

This is the story of Jonah and the great fish, BUT from the fish's perspective. It's a heart warming tale, reminding us we are all uniquely and purposefully made by God!

I partnered with another momma, Katie Martin, to illustrate this book. Not only is this woman talented, but she gives 10% of each month's profit to a family in the adoption process. Click here to read her story.

To get your Read-A-Loud book

1. go to

2. Click the "Read-A-Loud" tab and follow the prompts

3. Once you have your book, play this current episode, #120, and enjoy! 

4. IF you PRINT this, you can not print front and back or the page turn cue will not align!


Read-A-Loud Book INFO
2 perc 3. évad 118. rész

This is an informational episode to tell you about our NEW read-a-loud book, Dan the Great Fish!  That's right, a 19 page, beautifully illustrated book that you can use on digital devices OR print from home. 

I partnered with another wonderful mama, Katie Martin, to illustrate this book. Not only is this woman talented, but she gives 10% of each month's profit to a family in the adoption process. Click the link here to read her story 

The Read-A-Loud book comes from 1 of our most popular episodes Dan the Great Fish.  This is the story of Jonah and the great fish, BUT from the fish's perspective. It's a heartwarming tale, reminding us we are all uniquely and purposefully made by God!

The book comes to you as a PDF sent to your email. I created it so you can have multiple copies and we kept the colors printer friendly as well. 

To get your book:

1. go to

2. click the "Read-A-Loud" tab and follow the prompts

3. Once you have your book, find episode #120 on the podcast, hit "play" and enjoy!

4. If you PRINT, this you can NOT print front and back or the page turn cue will not line up correctly.



#117: Samson
21 perc 3. évad 117. rész

This episode was a special request from some of our listeners. This will also be longer than our typical episode to fit in the context of the story. Today, we get to hear the classic story of strong Samson. What will Samson do when he loses his strength  because of his hair cut?!?!? We will hear how mighty Samson was faithful & cried out to God for help!  Even though Samson sinned, God still used him and forgave him.

***NOTE TO PARENTS: I want to respect what you feel is appropriate for your children at their individual stage and age of life. I also have a variety of age ranges that listen. Because of this, I have left out some of Samson's events. Please go back and read Judges 13-16 and feel free to discuss  this in more length with your children if you feel it is appropriate. *****

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#116: Don't Believe Everything you Feel
12 perc 3. évad 116. rész

In today's story, we hear a letter from our friend Paul. He reminds us that when we feel nervous or anxious,  we should notice what we are thinking about. Sometimes our minds can run wild with crazy thoughts that just aren't true or good. Our feelings can lead us astray at times.

We will do something special today, and hear a short story about a girl named Kayleigh. Kayleigh is nervous about having to speak in front of her class BUT she remembers the Bible story her and her mom just read from Paul. Tune in to see the story in action. 


Thanks for listening!

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#115: The 10 Commandments
11 perc 3. évad 115. rész

Exodus 19:16-20 & 20:1-17

Today we get to learn about the 10 commandments. Did you know that commandments are like rules? I'm sure you even have rules in your very own home. 

In today's story, we will hear how God made rules because he loves us. Sometimes, we can hear rules and be frustrated because we think they aren't letting us have any fun. But with God's rules, that's just not true. These rules help keep us safe, close to Him, and live a joyful life. We will hear an example of what this means in today's story. 


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#114: Just Because Things are Hard Does NOT Mean Jesus is Not There
8 perc 3. évad 114. rész

Mark 4:35- 41 & John 16:33

Today we hear how Jesus' friends were scared during the storm. With the wind and waves tossing them about, their boat could sink! They were terrified. Even during this scary circumstance, Jesus was there. He had not left them.

Sometimes we get it confused and think Jesus is only around when we are winning all of our sports games and eating cupcakes all day. That's just not true. Jesus tells us that we will have troubles but to take heart, b/c He has overcome the World. John 16:33

Tune in to hear how God is with you each and every day NOT just on the good days. 


Episode #4 "Jesus Calms the Storm" is the same story but with different application questions. You can check out that resource as well. 

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#113: Little Zacchaeus
6 perc 3. évad 113. rész

Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus wanted so badly to see Jesus but he was to little to see him over the crowds that had gathered. He decides to climb a tree so he can see Jesus. Jesus stops at that exact tree and says hello. Not only did Jesus know where Zacchaeus was but He knew his name too. 

Thanks for listening!

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simply click the link:

#112 A: David VS Goliath
7 perc 3. évad 112. rész

David VS Goliath! Who will win?!?!? Join us as we learn how God can prepare us in ordinary ways to do extraordinary things later, just like he did David. 


** This episode will have a special 2nd version of it next weekend so please tune in next week!******


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#111: Little Rhoda
10 perc 3. évad 111. rész

Acts 12:3-17  We get to meet Rhoda today. Little Rhoda has faith and knows something to be true but no on else believes her. Hear what happens in our story today. We will learn that God knows we are telling the truth even if others doubt us. 

Thanks for listening!

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#110: You have a Father
9 perc 3. évad 110. rész

Luke 2:41-52. Today we get to hear about Jesus as a young boy. Hear how He teaches about His Father. We will learn about God as Father in this story today. I hope the apply section at the end helps facilitate good conversations between you and your children.

Thank you for listening and spreading the Gospel to your children. 

To connect, support this podcast, or for any questions, simply click the link below:

#109: Daniel & the Lions PART 2
8 perc 3. évad 109. rész

Daniel 6:15-28 This is part 2 in our short series on Daniel. Make sure to tune into episode #108 to see how we got to this part in our story. This week, we hear what happens to Daniel. Will the lions hurt him? Will King Darius change his mind? Tune in to see how mighty God is and how others all around the area learn about God because of this incredible event. 

Thanks for listening! To connect with me or support this podcast, please go to :

#108: Daniel & The Lions PART 1
11 perc 3. évad 108. rész

Daniel 6:1-14

There is so much to learn from Daniel that we will break this into 2 episodes. This is part 1. King Darius makes a new rule, one that disobeys God. Daniel loves God very much and will not disobey him. Will King Darius throw Daniel in to the lions for not obeying his new law?!??!!  King Darius actually likes Daniel and is now torn. If he does not enforce his new law...what will everyone else think of him? Join us today as we hear this exciting story and learn that what matters most is what God thinks, not what everyone else thinks. 

Thank you for listening and spreading the Gospel to your children. 

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#107: The Battle part2
8 perc 3. évad 107. rész

2 Chronicles 20:20-29

Today is part 2 in our short series. If you missed part 1, please go back & listen to episode #106 so you'll have context. We pick up our story today with King Jehoshaphat and his people singing and praying to God as they await this impossible battle.

Who will win this epic battle? What should you do when you face battles in your own life? Should we act as if nothing is happening, simply sweep it under the rug and not talk about it? Tune in to hear what the Bible teaches us about this. We will hear how God was made known through this situation. 

I hope the apply section at the end facilitates good conversation between you and your children. 

Thanks for listening!

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#106: Jehoshaphat Faces War
12 perc 3. évad 106. rész

2 Chronicles 20:1-19

This is part 1 in our short series. Today, we hear how Jehoshaphat and his people face a battle. A battle that they did not cause. Who do they cry out to for such an impossible battle and what actions do they take? Tune in to find out and stay tuned next week to see who will win this mighty battle. 

 I hope the apply section at the end helps facilitate good conversation between you and your child. 

To connect with me or support this ministry, please click the link :

#105: The Tower of Babel
11 perc 3. évad 105. rész

Genesis 11:1-8. The people in our story were proud, and thought they did not need God's help. God loved them so much, that he stepped in and confused their language. We get to hear different languages in this special episode when we hear from some of our incredible listeners. Children from all over the World helped with this special project. I could not do it without their help. I wanted to show you all that the Bible is alive, real, and that people from all over the World love Jesus. 

I hope you enjoy this special episode and THANK YOU again to those of you who helped me!

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#103: Ruth 4
9 perc 3. évad 103. rész

This is the last episode in our series on Ruth. Today is from Ruth chapter 4. God uses all types of people in our story. From the beginning of our series, we have learned that it is not always as it seems. As the story unfolded, we saw another piece of the puzzle. Now that we have all of the pieces, we see this beautiful picture come together. Ruth played such an important role. You will hear this as we see who is born into their family tree years later.


Thanks for tuning in!

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#102: Your Voice
1 perc 3. évad 102. rész

Hi listeners! This is not our normal Bible story episode. I am giving the kids an opportunity to be included in the upcoming story, The Tower of Babel. We have listeners from all over the World so I am looking forward to hearing different accents and languages. If you speak a language other than English, please record in that language. English speakers, I will use yours as well so please send them in.

Here's how to do it

1. record you child saying "HELLO FROM (their location or name or both)" 

2. you can record on your voice memo app on your phones/computers

3. email this clip to 

****they must be submitted to me by June 11th*******

4. tune in this summer to hear their voices shared in The Tower of Babel episode.

Thank you for participating! 

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

#101: Ruth part 3
10 perc 3. évad 101. rész

We are continuing our series on Ruth. This comes from Ruth chapter 3. Boaz tells us all of the wonderful things he notices about Ruth. The words he uses to describe her are the same ones used to describe other bible heroes. She is bold, courageous, kind,  & virtuous. We leave the story in suspense wondering if Boaz or the mystery relative will marry Ruth and help her. Who will it be?!?!?!

In the apply section, your children will have the opportunity to discuss ways they can act like Ruth. They will also be called to notice others who have good character like Ruth. 

Proverbs 22:1 "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." - We see Ruth and Boaz live this out. Both desire obeying God above all else and they do not cut corners. 

Thanks for tuning in!

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#100: Ruth part 2
11 perc 3. évad 100. rész

Today is part 2 from our series on Ruth. This comes from  Ruth 2. We see how God provides for Ruth and Naomi by introducing them to a wonderful man named Boaz.  We hear how God is working in the details. Ruth had to be at this field at the right place and the right time. This was no accident. We will begin to identify God working in the details in our own lives just like he did for Ruth.

Stay tuned for the rest of this series as we learn about Ruth.

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Thank you for listening! 

#99: Ruth Part 1
11 perc 3. évad 99. rész

Ruth 1.  A lot of you have been asking for this story sooooo here it is! We are beginning our series on Ruth. Our story begins with some sad events. Naomi does not shy away from telling God and people how she really feels about these sad things. We will learn that we can talk to God about anything...He can handle it. As our series unfolds, we will get to see each little puzzle piece and by the end, we will see the pieces come together to create a beautiful picture. Thanks for tuning in and make sure to follow along to hear the whole story of Ruth as we continue our series. 


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#98: Breakfast with Jesus
10 perc 3. évad 98. rész

John 21:1-14. Jesus has risen and meets his friends once more. He finds them out fishing. They are trying their best to catch fish but the miracle does not happen until Jesus shows up. Tune in to hear how the kids can apply this to their lives. 

I hope you enjoy the discussions at the end. Thank you for tuning in. If you would like to support this ministry or connect with us, please click the link below: 

#97: Jesus Chose To
8 perc 3. évad 97. rész

John 18:1-11 & John 10:18

Today we hear the story of Jesus being arrested. After his arrest, He is taken away..eventually to the cross. Jesus had done nothing wrong and still these sad things were happening to him. From this story we will learn that:

1. Jesus is always in control

2. The cross was not an accident

3. Jesus chose to do this and obeyed his Father. 

Your kids will be reminded that even when their days are crazy, Jesus is still in control AND He loves them soooo much!

Thanks for tuning in and Happy Easter!

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#96: He Has Risen (repost)
9 perc 3. évad 96. rész

Matthew 27, 28:1-10, Mark 15, 16:1-8, Luke 23 & John 19. We are revisiting our big Easter episode from last year. Easter is a time of rejoicing...celebrating as we remember what Jesus did. Through this story, we will remind the kids of a few things:

1. That Jesus loves us so much

2. That God had a plan all along & wasn't surprised

3. The cross was not the END of the story.

We can celebrate because Jesus is alive and always with us!!! 

Your young ones are so curious and want to  please make sure you talk with them about this and help answer any questions. We have a range of ages that listen so, feel free to go into more details if you feel it's appropriate for your child.

Thanks for listening!

To connect with me or support this ministry, please click the link:

#95: Easter prep activity
6 perc 3. évad 95. rész

Romans 3:23 & Ephesians 2:8-9. April has arrived & that means we are about to celebrate EASTER!!! Today we are not doing our typical story. The kids are hearing scripture and doing a simple activity that requires them using pencil & paper or just saying it out loud. Take time to hear their responses and have a discussion about it. We are learning that Jesus' love is a can not be earned. I hope this helps their little hearts prepare for Easter and grasp how perfect HIS love if for them. 

To give to Kids Bible Stories, please open this link: ALL donations are greatly, greatly appreciated!

To connect with us or learn more, please visit our website @ the following link:

Thank you for listening and sharing God's word with your kids. Thank you for your prayers & for sharing this resource with other families out there. We appreciate each of you. God is doing something mighty in these little souls and we are honored to be a part of it. 

#94: Noah & the Ark
7 perc 3. évad 94. rész

We are listening to an oldie but a goodie. This was our very first episode we released. We have updated the apply section so tune in to hear this revised version. We will learn that Noah obeyed God and cared more about what God thought than others' opinions. 

Thanks for tuning in.

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#93: Jesus Understands
8 perc 3. évad 93. rész

Matthew 4:1-11 Ever tempted to not share your toys or maybe not obey your parents? Dad says clean up your mess and you just want to walk away.... We all have been tempted. Tune in to hear what Jesus does when He is tempted in the desert. We can be encouraged knowing Jesus understands what it feels like.  He knows what it is like to feel hunger, to be laughed at, rejected, to have to share and obey. We can talk to Him anytime about this b/c he understands, He loves us so much, and He is a good, good Father.

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Thanks for  tuning in!

#92: The Little Children & Jesus
6 perc 3. évad 92. rész

Jesus was busy teaching and healing people. Some of the people thought He was just too busy to be bothered by the children. See how Jesus tells them this is not true and welcomes the children with arms wide open.I hope the apply section at the end helps facilitate good conversations between you and your children. 

Thanks for listening!

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#91: John - Part 5
8 perc 3. évad 91. rész

This is the last part in our series on Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John. John tells us a wonderful story about a man named Thomas. Hear what Jesus says about those of us who have not yet seen Him but believe.  I hope the apply section at the end helps facilitate some good conversations for your family. 

To connect with us, support this ministry, or learn more about us simply visit our website @



Thank you for tuning in today!

#90 Luke- Part 4
7 perc 3. évad 90. rész

Today we continue our series from Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. Today is Luke's turn. We get to hear from his writings and learn how the Gospel has spread all over the World. The towns begged Jesus to just stay there with them but He continued on, preaching to more and more people. I am grateful it continued to spread so  that we ALL get to hear the Good News!

To help support this ministry click the link below:

To connect with us, ask us questions, or learn more about this ministry, simply visit our website below:


Thank you for listening, for sharing, and for spreading the Gospel!

#89: Love Is
7 perc 3. évad 89. rész

Today's episode is just in time for Valentine's day. Sometimes our World will tell us how it defines love  but we should always compare it to what the Bible says LOVE is to make sure it is true. In this episode we will refresh our minds with what the Bible says love is. Enjoy this episode on what love is and what it is NOT. 


Thank you for listening, for sharing this with others, for writing reviews, and for your donations. We are very, very grateful!

To connect with us, learn about us, or how to support this ministry, please contact us:

#88 Mark- Part 3
8 perc 3. évad 87. rész

Mark 9:14-27 We are continuing our mini series on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Today we get to hear from Mark. Mark wastes no time and jumps right in to all of the amazing actions Jesus did. Tune in to hear how Jesus helps a man who cries out to him " I believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!" 


Thanks to this episode's sponsor, Churchome

To view the Churchome Global app follow the links below for itunes and google play:


To connect with us, learn more, or see how to help support this ministry you can visit our website.

#87: Grateful
5 perc 3. évad 86. rész

This episode is a follow up from #84. We get to hear from other listeners in this special one. This story reminds us to stop and remember all of the seasons God has given pause and look, in wonder, at what He has helped us with or given us the ability to do.


To connect with us or learn how to support this ministry through Patreon, simply click the link below. 

Thanks for tuning in!

#86: Matthew- part 2
8 perc 3. évad 86. rész

We continue our mini series on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Today we get to hear how Matthew invites Jesus to a party. Some people are not happy with this. They think Jesus should not be hanging out with these types of people. Hear how Jesus responds to them in our story today and listen to the apply section at the end to hear how your child connects the dots from our Bible story today.


Thank you so much for tuning in! Click the link below to connect with us, learn about us, or hear how YOU can help support this ministry. 

#85 Friends- part 1
8 perc 3. évad 85. rész

Today we are kicking off a mini series on some of our bible friends. These friends we are going to learn more about include Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. To start us off, we will hear what the Bible says about friends and listen to a short story to help us illustrate this. 

We hope you enjoy! Thank you for sharing the gospel with your children, your grandkids, your nieces and nephews. You are sowing such wonderful seeds. 


To connect with us, learn more about us or how to support this ministry, simply visit our website. The link is below:

#104 from Archive #45: The Golden Rule
9 perc 2. évad 45. rész

Did you know that what we call the "golden rule" came from the Bible? Faithful Matthew recorded this for us from one of Jesus' teaching moments. What is the "golden rule" and how does it apply to our lives? Tune in to today's story to find out  & enjoy!

To connect with us or support this ministry, click the link below:

Thank you for tuning in!

#84: Seasons
6 perc 2. évad 84. rész

We are about to celebrate a New Year, BUT before we ring in the new one with songs and bells, lets remember that  it is God who created the years & seasons. He created an order and rhythm. These can help point us back to HIM! Tune in to hear our story today and see how YOU can participate in thanking God for this past season. 

Those who want to send in their voice memos simply:

1. State your name and 2 things that God has helped you learn or do in 2018. 

2. email to

3. I'll include these in an upcoming episode

Check out for beautiful items that can help you and your little ones memorize scripture etc. 





#83: God ALWAYS Keeps His Promise
6 perc 2. évad 83. rész

The shepherds are watching over their sheep one night when angel appears to bring them the good news! They remembered learning about this Savior to come but now it was really here. Had God's promise really come true?!?!? Tune in to hear what the shepherds saw that night.

As we prepare for Christmas, this story will help remind us of God's faithfulness  & the importance of the shepherds receiving this good news. 

Thanks to today's sponsor Churchome! Check out the new Churchome Global app & join the wonderful community today. Gain access to a wonderful support system, listen to messages, and even get parenting help all from the convenience of your phone. LINKS to the app on Google Play and Itunes are below:


To connect with us or learn how to support this ministry, please follow the link below:

Christmas update
1 perc 2. évad 83. rész

The Christmas season is officially upon us. I have received messages asking about episode information so I created this little message update. To help teach your little ones about Christmas, check out the following episode numbers:

#82, 29, 32, 34, & 36.These cover stories like Mary & Joseph's journey to Bethlehem, Jesus' brith, Isaiah's good news etc. They are fantastic ways to prepare for Christmas with your kids AND great for those frightful winter weather days that keep you stuck indoors!


THANK YOU for listening and sharing this with your children. MERRY CHRISTMAS! 

To contact us, learn about this ministry or how to support it please follow the link:


#82: Isaiah's Breaking News
8 perc 2. évad 82. rész

It was a dark and hard time. No matter how hard the people tried, they simply could not help themselves. Isaiah would bring them good news..HOPE. This hope would come in the form of a child, Jesus. As we get ready for this Christmas season, may we remember the good news of Jesus' birth. Our story today will remind us that our hope is in Jesus, our savior, not ourselves. I hope the apply section at the end brings good conversation between you and your child. 

Thanks to today's sponsor Churchome! Check out the new Churchome Global app and join the wonderful community today. Have a support system, listen to messages, and get parenting support all from the convenience of your phone. LINKS to the app on Google Play and Itunes are below:


To connect with us, support this ministry, or learn more about KBS, visit our website @

#81: The Spies
12 perc 2. évad 81. rész

The people are ready for the incredible promised land...they've been waiting and are soo close. 12 spies are sent into the land to check it out but only 2 bring back a good report. They all saw the same things, had the same experience, but had very different attitudes about it. Tune in today to hear how we can choose our attitude no matter what our situation because we can remember God's faithfulness and promises. 

Thanks for listening. 

Please help us fill out this short survey to help us continue to produce FREE content:

To learn more about us, connect, or learn how to be one of our generous supporters follow the LINK to our website below:

#80: The Parable of the Lost Son
8 perc 2. évad 80. rész

Our story today is a beautiful picture of God's love for us! Did you know that God wants us to come to Him when we've messed up? He wants us to ask for forgiveness and say we are sorry. And guess what happens when we do this? Tune in to hear just how amazing His love is for us!

#79: Your Words Matter
8 perc 2. évad 79. rész

 Sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS can never hurt me. We've all heard this before but I think most of us have also felt the sting from words before. Tune in to hear what the Bible says about the power of our tongue, our words. What we say matters! Enjoy listening to your child answer the questions at the end. Gain insight on what they've learned, experienced, and how to apply this Bible story. Thank you for listening!

Please help fill out this short survey..LINK below:

and here is a fantastic worship song to fill YOU, the caregiver up. Sometimes the words we tell ourselves, our own chatterbox, can be the most impactful. I pray this serves you as you listen and are reminded of the Truth..who God says you are. LINK below for the song: "Who You Say I Am" by Hillsong. you can search this on all platforms too.


I am in no way affiliated or getting paid by the creators of this song. I simply was served by singing it and hope it does the same for you too. 

#78: Naaman's Chicken Pox
11 perc 2. évad 78. rész

Have you been frustrated when things have not gone how YOU thought they would? Yep, I think we have all felt this before. Join us today to hear how Naaman experienced this. He learns that even though things went differently than HE had planned, God had a much better plan. Just because something is simple does not mean it is not important... Just because things don't happen the way you want them to, does not mean God is not there. Listen to our story today to be reminded that God always has a plan....we can trust HIS plan b/c HE is a good, good Father!


To connect with us or learn how to support this ministry please click the link:


Thanks for listening!

#77: Trumpets, Torches, & the Impossible Battle; Gideon part 2
13 perc 2. évad 77. rész

Gideon is ready to fight...but wait...God wants him to take even LESS men to battle! HUH? This does not seem to make sense. Now it seems like it will be impossible to win. Tune in to hear how God shines when something seems impossible. Hear how He shows up so people come to know him and remember, He does the same thing in your very own life too. Whatever you are facing today that may seem REALLY hard..well you can remember that God is with you always just as He was with Gideon.

 Make sure to listen to the apply section at the end to spark some good conversations between you and your child. 


Check out our website to connect with us or help support this ministry. Link below:

#76: Gideon you are NOT alone. Part 1
13 perc 2. évad 76. rész

Things are not going well for Gideon and his people. Gideon is hiding, threshing wheat in secret when he is told that HE will be used to help save his people. He doesn't look or act like your typical super hero but tune in to hear how God will use him. Listen to hear how we can talk to God about ANYTHING. Learn how God will be with us just like he is with Gideon. 

Enjoy the apply section at the end. I hope that it helps facilitate good conversation between you and your children. 

Thanks for tuning in and please check out our website to learn more or connect with us:

#75: Everyone has a gift
9 perc 2. évad 75. rész

What is something that you are really good a talent..a gift? Did you know that the gift comes from God!?! We don't all share the same gifts either but ALL are important.  Tune in to hear how God wants us to not just keep this special talent to ourselves but instead to share it. We can work together to help each other using each person's unique gifts. Use your gift this week and see if you can notice other's too. Tell your family what you see!

Thanks for listening and sharing the Gospel with your children. I hope this blesses your family and begins good conversations between you and your children. 

To connect with us, learn more, or support this growing ministry, please click the link below:

#72: 4th July Mid Week
3 perc 2. évad 72. rész

This is our last week for our midweek specials. THANK YOU to all who have sent in recordings, listened, and supported us on our 1 year birthday. We have loved hearing from each one of you. Lets hear our last weeks listeners and do our memory verse 1 more time. 


To help support this ministry, learn more, or connect simply click the link below:

KBS 1st Birthday
2 perc 2. évad 71. rész

Thank you to everyone who is listening!!!! We are so grateful for each of you. We hear from many of you and it brings us such joy to see the positive impact we get to have on the children. Thank you for taking the time to let your children listen and hear God's word. Our prayer is that they begin to grasp just how much God loves them, that they learn they can always talk to Him, and that in each episode, they see how the story applies to their own lives. We strive to help facilitate conversation between you and the kids so that you can grow closer, better understand their little hearts, and help them learn too! 

You are sowing into something eternal! Through sharing the Bible with your kids, you really are investing in them. THANK YOU!


Simply click the link below to learn more about KBS and how YOU can help support this ministry.

#70 3rd July Mid-week
3 perc 2. évad 70. rész

As we celebrate our 1 year anniversary of Kids Bible Stories, we are hearing from YOU, our amazing listeners. Tune in to hear how other listeners like to listen and what they like about the stories. We will also be continuing our memory verse for this month. Keep up the good work. I know by the end of July we will have it down pat! 

If you would like your child's recording published, simply send it to our email by following the link below. This must be in by July 23, 2018. 

Thanks for tuning in!




#69 Dan the Great Fish
13 perc 2. évad 70. rész

This episode is Joshua's very favorite one. To celebrate Kids Bible Stories 1 year anniversary, we are playing some of our first episodes, our favorites, and your favorites. 

We hope you enjoy this wonderful story!

To connect with us, support this ministry, or learn more about it, simply follow the link below:


Thanks for tuning in!

#68 2nd July Mid-Week
3 perc 2. évad 68. rész

Today we get to hear from 2 special listeners. Tune in to hear what they have to say. July marks our 1 year anniversary so we are hearing from YOU, our listeners as we celebrate. We will also continue to practice our memory verse each week throughout July. 

If you would like to send in your child's voice recording of how they like to listen or what they like about the stories, simply:

1. record it on the voice memo function of your phone

2. or record on your computer, what ever device is best for you

3. email it to us through the link on our website below

Thanks for tuning in!

#67: Christmas in July
10 perc 2. évad 67. rész

Although it is  warm & sunny out, we are returning to the cool, crisp winter nights for this episode. We are going back to episode #36 where we hear about the birth of Jesus. This changed EVERYTHING! He is the King of Kings yet born in a humble barn. Jesus gave it all up to be with us because He loves us so much. 

I hope you all enjoy this episode.  Thank you for celebrating our 1 year anniversary with us this July. Tune in mid-week for our special mid-week episodes as we celebrate with YOU, our listeners. 

 To connect, learn more, or help support this ministry, please click the link below:


#66: 1st July mid week
3 perc 2. évad 65. rész

To celebrate our 1 year anniversary of Kids Bible Stories, we are celebrating with mid week specials. Each week, YOU, our amazing listeners can send your recording in. You can tell us how YOU like to listen to the stories and what you like best. We will then publish it for everyone to hear. We will also continue to practice our memory verse each week. We couldn't do this with YOU, our listeners tuning in, passing it  along, and sharing the Word of God with your family and friends. THANK YOU!

Simply email your recordings to us via our website @:

#65: Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of Jesus
5 perc 2. évad 64. rész

Do you think if you went all the way up into outer space or way, way down, into the deepest cave that you could be separated from God's love? What about what you did yesterday, or what you did today...could that take you away from God's love? Tune in today to see just how powerful God's love is!

To connect with us and see how you can become a part of supporting this ministry, follow the link below


Thanks for listening!

#64: July Special
1 perc 2. évad 64. rész

July is the 1 year anniversary for Kids Bible Stories Podcast. We are thrilled to see God doing a mighty work, reaching kids ALL over the World. We would love to include YOU, our listeners in this celebration. You can record your child stating their name:

1. how they like to listen ie) the car, before naps etc 


2. What they like about the stories. 

You can do this on the voice memo action of your smartphone or any way you choose to record it. Then simply email it to us via the link below. We will include these in our July midweek specials.

We could not do this without YOU... without you tuning in to share the Word with your children and passing this along to others! 




#63: Blind Bartimaeus is healed
6 perc 2. évad 63. rész

Bartimaeus has faith that Jesus can heal him and he continues to cry out to him even when the crowd tells him SHHHH! See how Jesus always hears us and cares for us.


To connect with us, learn more about this ministry, or help support spreading the Gospel to little ones, please follow the link below:


Thank you for tuning in!

#62: Think of What is Lovely
6 perc 2. évad 62. rész

What we think about is SO important because it changes how we feel and act. So, what should we be thinking about? Tune in to see what Paul has to say about it. Shout out your examples at the very end so everyone can participate! Thanks for tuning in and I hope you enjoy it. 

To connect with us, learn more about us, or help support this ministry please click the link below.



#61: Creation Story Series: Day 7
5 perc 2. évad 61. rész

This is the last day of the Creation series. What do you think God did on this last day, the 7th day? You might be surprised to hear what He did. Tune in to find out and feel free to follow the link below to share with us how YOU like to rest. We LOVE hearing from you!

LINK to website & all social media:


 We would love your help in filling out this short, 6 question survey. Link below: 

#60: Creation Story Series: Day 6
5 perc 2. évad 60. rész

We are continuing our Creation Story Series. Today is day 6. God was very very busy on this day. Tune in to find out how we are made like our Father God and because we are made like him, we too get to be creative. Enjoy the "apply" section at the end with your children and may they be inspired to use their beautiful, creative minds God has given them. 

You can connect with us through the following link:

We would also LOVE your help in completing this short, 6 question survey. Link here:


Thank you so much for tuning in and sharing the Gospel with your children!


#59: The Creation Story Series: Day 5
4 perc 2. évad 59. rész

Today, we get to hear how God created the sea creatures and the birds of the sky. Have you ever stopped to look at these incredible animals? Aren't they beautiful and unique?!? When we take a moment to see the beauty of them, we are reminded of how loving God is. He did not have to make these animals. Imagine how boring the World would be if we didn't have birds that sang or dolphins to watch swim and jump. God is so kind and creative to have made these animals and allow us to enjoy them. I hope you enjoy listening to day 5!


To connect with us, learn more about this ministry, or help support us, please visit our website @

We would love your help in filling out this short 6 question survey to help us with advertising. This can help us continue to provide free content too. THANK YOU!


#58: The Creation Story Series: Day 4
4 perc 2. évad 58. rész

We continue our creation series with Day 4. What kind of incredible things will He make on this day? Tune in to find out and see how we can look at God's creations and see Him in the beautiful things He has made.


Please visit our website to connect with us, support this ministry, or learn more about KBS. Thanks for listening!

#57: The Creation Story Series: Day 2 & 3
5 perc 2. évad 57. rész

Join us on our Creation Story Series. Today, we continue days 2 & 3. It's incredible how powerful God is. He simply spoke and tada, plants were created. If God can make the World simply by speaking, then surely He can handle anything we are going through. 

Please feel free to connect with us and find resources for you, the caregiver, by simply heading over to our website:


We LOVE hearing from everyone. It brings us joy to hear how your kids are enjoying the episodes so thank you for taking the time to share this with us and to pass these along to friends and family too.

#56: The Creation Story Series: DAY 1
5 perc 2. évad 56. rész

Join us today as we begin our Creation Story Series. On day 1, we listen to how God created the heavens and the earth. Enjoy the stories and may the "apply" sections at the end help facilitate some good conversations between you and your child. 

We are grateful for your help in filling out the 6 question surveys!

Link here: 

Please feel free to connect with us


Thank you for listening!


#55: There's No One Like YOU
8 perc 2. évad 54. rész

Tune in today to listen how David stayed true to who God made him to be and WON the mighty battle. He did not try to be someone else. Trading in the armor for the slingshot, David used the talents God uniquely gave him to help defeat Goliath. Join us in our story today as we learn how God made each of us special. 

To fill out the short survey, please click the link below:

We know your time is valuable so we can not thank you enough for taking the time to complete this survey. 

To contact us, please feel free to do so @




#54: The Story of Lazarus
7 perc 2. évad 54. rész

What will Martha and Mary do when their brother Lazarus dies?! Who better to talk to than Jesus! Listen as we hear Jesus perform a miracle. We will hear how Jesus gives us hope and teaches Mary and Martha that everyone who believes in Him will never truly die. 


Please feel free to connect with us @:




#52: Fishers of Men
8 perc 2. évad 52. rész

Have you ever had such exciting news that you just wanted to shout it out to everyone?!?!? Well, tune in to this weeks NEW episode to hear what exciting news Jesus wants us to tell others. It is one of the 1st things he tells his friends at their 1st meeting AND at their last one. Fishing for men? HUH?!?!? What in the World is Jesus talking about? Well......tune in to learn and enjoy. 


Please feel free to contact us @:





Thank you for listening and sharing the Bible with your children. 

# 51 (Archived): Free to Forgive
7 perc 2. évad 52. rész

What does forgiveness mean? How do we ask to be forgiven when we do something wrong and how do we forgive others??!?! Join us as we hear Jesus tell the story of the unmerciful servant and teaches us about forgiveness. 


Please feel free to contact us @:




#50: Easter...He Has RISEN!
8 perc 2. évad 51. rész

Happy Easter everyone! This is a very special holiday for us. It is a time of rejoicing..of celebrating as we remember what Jesus did. Through this story we will remind the little ones of a few things:

 1. That Jesus loves us so much.

2. That God had a plan all along and was not suprised

3. The cross was not the end of the story. We can celebrate because Jesus is ALIVE & always with us! 

 Your young ones are so curious and want to learn so please make sure you talk with them about this and help answer any questions. Also, we have a range of ages that listen so feel free to go into more details if you feel that is appropriate for your child. 

I hope you all enjoy!

Feel free to contact us @:




#49: Peter's Denial of Jesus
9 perc 2. évad 50. rész

This is a perfect episode to prepare us for Easter. What will Peter do when his best friend, Jesus, is taken away? Peter thought Jesus was silly for saying he would deny their friendship 3 times before the rooster crowed that morning. NEVER, thought Peter. Let's see what happens AND be encouraged as we are reminded Jesus loves us so much. Jesus knows all that we have done and all that we will do and he STILL loves us. What wonderful news!


Feel free to contact us @:





#48: How to Pray
5 perc 2. évad 48. rész

Do you have to be in a special place to pray? Maybe you need to have the fanciest or loudest voice to be heard by Jesus. How do we pray? Well thanks to the Bible, we get to learn from the best teacher, Jesus himself on the topic of prayer. Tune in today to hear how Jesus teaches us to pray. I hope the section at the end facilitates some good discussions between you and your little ones. Enjoy!

For any questions or comments, please contact me @:




Thanks for tuning in!

#44: The Lost Sheep
6 perc 2. évad 44. rész

This is the classic Parable of the lost sheep. Join us today as we are reminded how precious we are to our Shepherd. Should just 1 of us wander away, He will search for us and carry us back with loving arms. Enjoy this encouraging parable and use the "apply" section at the end to help facilitate conversation between you and your child.

Please feel free to contact me at :




Thanks for listening!


#43: Part 5: Joseph's Family Reunion
6 perc 2. évad 43. rész

This is our last story in our series on Joseph. What will Joseph do when he sees his brothers?!?! Will he punish them for what they did? Will he forgive them? Join us on this captivating story as we see how the puzzle pieces are coming together and we learn about a wonderful thing called FORGIVENESS. 

Please feel free to contact me @:





Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!

#42: Part 4: From Prison to Palace
7 perc 2. évad 41. rész

Things are looking up for Joseph. He begins to see how all of the puzzles pieces are fitting together to form an incredible picture. He is reminded that God had a mighty plan for him all along and that God was always with him. Join us on our exciting story today and see what we learn. Enjoy!

For questions or comments, please contact me @:





Thank you for tuning in! I pray your family enjoys them and that your kids are excited to hear God's word come to life. 

#41: Part 3 The Cupbearers Dream
5 perc 2. évad 41. rész

Today we continue our exciting series on Joseph. We learn that Joseph meets a man in jail. Joseph uses his gifts God has given him to help the fellow prisoner understand his dream. He did the right thing, using his gifts to honor God, so why was he still in jail? Our story today teaches us a valuable lesson. So, tune in and enjoy. 



For questions or comments, please contact me at:





Thank you and enjoy!

Advent wreath info 2019
2 perc 118. rész

This is a mini episode to inform you of what to expect for our Christmas episodes. This year, we will be doing an advent wreath with our readings. We will discuss the meaning of advent & the purpose of the candle colors.

If you would like to follow along with your wreath, I will list the links below so you can gather your supplies.

These 2 different links are FREE printables for the advent wreath. I gave options to support different ages and interests etc. 

option 1 

option 2

OR if you want to use real candles, here are the colors needed:

3 purple, 1 rose, 1 white.

You can use any greenery you wish around them. 

To connect with me, click 


music by Kevin MacLeod "Silent Night" ( Licensed under creative commons. By Attribution 3.0 license

#74: Adam & Eve 2
6 perc 70. rész

First Please click here and check out our Patreon page to see how you can help serve little boys and girls all over the world!

Today we finish our short series on Adam and Eve. We hear about their encounter with the... sneaky serpent and he encouraged them to disobey God. Sometimes we have rules in our lives that we don't understand. God through his love, has given given us many pieces of wisdom, advice and rules in the bible. In this story we get to hear about 1 rule in particular and what happened when Adam and Eve choose not to listen.

Thank you so much for listening and for sharing the God's word to your little ones! 


#73: Adam & Eve I
7 perc 69. rész

Today we start part 1 of our Adam and Eve series. We hear how Adam had a fun time naming all of the animals but even after this, he knew something was missing. Maybe he was lonely. The animals were neat but he couldn't talk with them or laugh with them very well. Something was missing....sooooo God made Eve. Tune in to hear how God wants us to have company too. He wants us to have people to laugh with, cry with, and pray with. 

I hope you enjoy today's story. THANK YOU for sharing the Gospel with your little ones! You are sowing into their lives!

Click the LINK below to learn how you can help support this ministry.



Special Update!!
1 perc 51. rész Jessica and Joshua White

Hey Everyone,

      Thank you so much for all of your support. We have a special announcement, The Kids Bible Stories website is officially ready! 

Please go online and check it out at

Thanks Everyone!

We look forward to hearing from you,

      -Jessica and Josh


#53: Fruit of the Spirit
6 perc 46. rész

People ask what you want to be when you grow up BUT Jesus has a more important question...WHO do you want to be? Paul teaches us that we should try our best to be people who shine the  fruit of the Spirit through how we talk and act. Tune in today to learn about the fruit of the Spirit!


Please feel free to connect with us on:




#47: Wisdom's Call
5 perc 41. rész

What is wisdom and what does the Bible say about it? Is it really that important? Well, tune in to find out what Proverbs 8 has to say about this little thing we call wisdom. Enjoy!


Please feel free to contact me @




#46: Mid-Week THANKS
3 perc 40. rész

This is a special mid-week episode on thanks. Lets see what the Bible has to say about being thankful. As families, we can work together to create habits that help produce grateful hearts. We even get to hear from 1 of our wonderful listeners and what he is thankful for. He is leading the way by his example. Please enjoy!

Please feel free to contact me @:






#40: Part 2: It's Not Always As it Seems
7 perc 40. rész

We continue our story series today on Joseph. Last week we saw what his jealous brothers did and now we learn that it might even get worse for poor Joseph. Joseph does not lose heart though. He knows he can only see 1 little piece of the puzzle and that God can see the whole puzzle, the whole picture. Join us today as we learn how Joseph remembers that God has a plan for his life EVEN when his life is turned upside down. Enjoy using the apply section at the end of the podcast to engage in conversation with your little kids.

Please feel free to contact me @ via


or instagram:

or email:

Thanks for listening and enjoy!

#39: Part 1: Joseph's jealous brothers
12 perc 34. rész

This is part 1 in our series on Joseph. In this weeks story, we meet Joseph and learn about some of the sad things that happen to him as a result of his brothers jealous hearts. Poor Joseph! What will happen to him next? Why would his brothers do such a thing? Join us on our exciting story today as we learn and apply this lesson on jealousy.

For any questions or comments please contact me @:

or facebook:

or instagram:


#38: Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego
13 perc 38. rész

This weeks story is anything but boring. Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego refuse to worship the gold statue that King Nebuchadnezzar is so proud of. They will only serve their 1 True God even when the King explains the punishment for this is the fiery furnace. Their faith remains strong and EVERYONE watching that day learns about God, as they witness with their own eyes, the Mighty God that saves. God used their story and He can use our stories and examples to teach others about Him. Join us as we learn and apply this today.  


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#37: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
11 perc 32. rész

It takes FAITH to step out on that water like Peter. But soon, he takes his eyes off Jesus. Join us in our story today to learn what happens to Peter and how, even as little kids, we can learn and apply this. Lets start the New Year off right learning about keeping our focus on Jesus. Thanks for sowing these seeds of Truth, discipline, love, and encouragement into your little ones today. 


For any questions or comments, please contact me @


#36: Jesus is Born
10 perc 31. rész

It's Christmas! Today is the day we get to hear about the exciting story of Jesus's birth. Join us on this incredible story that changes EVERYTHING! He is the King of Kings yet born in a humble barn. Jesus gave it all up to be with us because He loves us so much. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. If you have missed the episodes leading up to this one, I would highly recommend you going back and listening to the most recent episodes so you get the whole story.

For any questions or comments, please contact me @


#35: Advent activity: SING
1 perc 30. rész

Join us this week on one of our advent activities that anyone and everyone can do. No money needed, no special skills or equipment. We can worship Jesus with our voices in song  this week. I hope your kids have fun as they ask to sing Christmas songs with you this week, preparing for Christmas! Merry Christmas!

For any questions or comments, please contact me @




Music credit to :

Silent Night by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed Under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

#34: The journey to Bethlehem
8 perc 29. rész

Off to Bethlehem Mary and Joseph go. What a journey it will be! They didn't have cars or trains to help them travel but instead made the journey by foot and with the help of a donkey.  Join us today as we learn about their journey to the little town of Bethlehem. We use our wonderful imaginations God has given us to really think about what their journey must have been like. I hope you all enjoy !

Merry Christmas!

For questions or comments, please contact me @: 


#33: Advent activity: Putting others before yourself
3 perc 28. rész

This weeks advent activity helps us put others 1st. It is simple and EVERYONE can do this. I hope you and your little ones are having a good time doing these activities together and that they continue to remind you of the love Christ gives us. Thank you for being an example & helping prepare all of us for this wonderful Christmas season!

Merry Christmas!

For questions or comments, please feel free to contact me @:


Music credit to:

Silent Night by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

#32: An Angel visits Mary & Joseph
9 perc 27. rész

Our Bible stories this week continue to prepare us for Christmas. Learn how Mary responds when the angel tells her some REALLY BIG news!!! We will remember God has a purpose for each of us. No matter how big or how small the task is, ALL of it is important and special to God. 

There is an activity section at the vey end that we can do together. No money needed, no supplies, or certain amount of time needed. I hope you enjoy it and that we all learn that we can pass on the Love of God to others in all sorts of ways. May you and your little ones enjoy it this Christmas Season!

Merry Christmas!

For questions or comments please contact me @


#31: Advent activity-PERFECTION?!?!?!
3 perc 26. rész

Join us on this advent activity that everyone can do no matter where you are! You don't have to be crafty, able to pinterest, or have a lot of time and tools. Sometimes we all strive for perfection but lets help our kids remember the TRUTH this Christmas season. Jesus' love is a gift and he loves us.... imperfections and all. 


For any questions or comments please contact me @


Music credit to:

Silent Night by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0



#30: Extra Extra!! Read all about it..a Son to be born!
7 perc 25. rész

Isaiah proclaims the good news that Jesus will be born. He tells people years and years before it even happens! Join us as we begin our Christmas story starting with Isaiah and journeying through the birth of our Savior. Tune in each week of December to hear these stories. We will also be doing simple activities that show our kids you don't have to have $, be a certain age, or in a certain place to serve and love others. May you and your children enjoy doing this together as we prepare our hearts for Christmas. 

For questions or comments please contact me @:


Music credit to :

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under Creative Commons

attribution license



#29: It's Christmas time
4 perc 24. rész

December is here! Tune in to hear what CHRISTMAS IS and hear what we have planned for the month of December. This is going to be an exciting month as we celebrate Jesus' birth. Please make sure to subscribe to get the most recent episodes as we will be doing special episodes throughout December. 

For any questions or comments please contact me @: OR


Music credit goes to:

Silent Night Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



#28: Mid-week thanks
3 perc 23. rész

This is the last day in November so this will end our mid-week thanks episodes. We finish practicing our memory verse on thanks today and get to hear from YOU, our listener and what you are thankful for today. I hope you all continue to practice being thankful. I am so proud of you and the example you are setting for others. I hope practicing our Wednesday's mid-week thanks, in addition to our Monday Bible Stories, helped all of our hearts become more grateful and make gratitude a habit. Way to go!!!!

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OR message me @

#27: Mid-week thanks
3 perc 22. rész

This is our last week in November so we are finishing it up with a week of thanks. We will practice memorizing a Bible verse on thanks and continue to hear from YOU, our listeners. Throughout November, on Wednesdays, we have been learning what the Bible has to say about being thankful and getting to hear what you are thankful for. This has been in addition to our normal Monday Bible Stories. Since this is our last week in November,, we will end with 3 days in a row of thankful hearts. Tune in to hear!

For any questions or comments, please contact me @ 

OR message me @

#26 Mid-week thanks
3 perc 21. rész

This is our last week of November so we are finishing it up with a week of thanks. We will practice memorizing a Bible verse on thanks and continue to hear from YOU, our listeners. Throughout November, on Wednesdays, we have been learning what the Bible has to say about being thankful and getting to hear what you are thankful for. Since this is our last week in November, we will end with 3 days in a row of thankful hearts. Tune in to hear! 

For any questions or comments, please contact me @ 

OR message me @

#24: Mid-week thanks
3 perc 20. rész

Just in time for Thanksgiving! Lets learn what the Bible says about being thankful & we get to hear from you, our listener too!!! Your thankful hearts are wonderful examples for others to see. I am proud of your work these past few weeks. 

For any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me @


#23: 10 are healed BUT only 1 says thanks
7 perc 19. rész

Just in time for Thanksgiving this week....Join us on our story today as we see Jesus heal 10 men with chicken pox. Only 1 of them comes back to say thank you!!!  Enjoy listening and helping your little ones practice verbalizing what they are thankful for. May your family's thankful hearts be an example to others. 

For any questions or comments please feel free to contact me:


Thank you! 

#22 Mid-week thanks
2 perc 18. rész

Everyone should be thankful for Jesus...even the animals give Him thanks!!!! Lets hear how the Bible teaches us this as we prepare for Thanksgiving by practicing saying "Thank you." We also get to hear from YOU, our listener. If you would like to share what you are thankful for in next weeks Mid-week thanks, you can use the "voice memo" on your smartphone, record your child's response, and simply send it to me @



send it to my Instagram page @

#21 Jonah & the BIG fish: part 2
9 perc 17. rész

Is Jonah stuck in the belly of the fish FOREVER?!? Join us as we see what happens next in our story. We learn that the same forgiveness Jesus gives our friends, neighbors, or family is what he offers to us too! Does Jonah get angry & think it's not fair that God forgives others?!?!?! hmmmm listen in to hear what happens.


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#20 Mid-week thanks
4 perc 16. rész

We can be thankful in EVERY situation! Lets hear how the Bible teaches us this as we prepare for Thanksgiving by practicing saying "Thank you!" We get to hear from YOU, our listener as well!!! If you would like to share what you are thankful for in next week's Mid-week thanks, you can use the "voice memo" on your smartphone, record your child's response and simply send it to me @ 


message me on Instagram @ kidsbiblestories

#19: Jonah & the BIG fish; part 1
10 perc 15. rész

This is part 1 in our 2 part series on Jonah. Lets see what happens when we try to runaway from God's plan for us. Follow Jonah on his adventure on boats, through storms, and even inside a fish! 

For questions or comments please feel free to email me @


direct message me on Instagram: kidsbiblestories

#17: Jesus Feeds the 5000
9 perc 14. rész

Join us as we see Jesus perform a miracle....turning the 5 loaves of bread & 2 fish into feeding 5000 people!!!! We learn through this story how Jesus lets us be the helpers and that he has already given us all we need to be a helper. What we have is more than enough when it's in Jesus' hands!!!!!! For any questions or comments, please feel free to email me @:

or message me on instagram Kidsbiblestories

#16: I BELIEVE help my UNBELIEF!!!!
7 perc 13. rész Jessica White

Join us as we hear a Dad ask Jesus to help his sick son. He learns that EVERYTHING is possible for the one who believes and he asks Jesus to help his unbelief. We can tell Jesus ANYTHING! Join us today as we hear how Jesus answers him. I hope you all enjoy this, learn, and are encouraged by this Bible story. For any questions or comments, please write me @

#15: Do I HAVE to or GET to?
6 perc 12. rész Jessica White

We hear Paul's letter that he writes to encourage the people about doing EVERYTHING for Christ. Paul reminds us that we serve God in whatever we do and maybe we should try to re-think how we approach our tasks and words..... maybe we can have a mental shift and hopefully a heart shift from thinking, I HAVE to to I GET to!

For any questions or comments please feel free to write me @

#14: Blind Bartimaeus is healed
5 perc 14. rész Jessica White

Bartimaeus has faith that Jesus can heal him and he continues to cry out to him even when the crowd tells him SHHH! See how Jesus always hears us and cares for us.  Please feel free to email @ for any comments for questions. 

#12: Part 7: David VS Goliath
11 perc 10. rész

David versus giant Goliath! Who will win?!??! Join us as we learn how God can prepare us in ordinary ways to do extraordinary things later, just like he did David. This is the end of this story series. We will continue next week with a new story. Enjoy!!!!! 

#11: Part 6: It's What's INSIDE That Counts
10 perc 9. rész

Saul begins to change & does not listen to God anymore so God crowns a new king...enter DAVID! Listen and learn how David is chosen not by how he looks, what his job is, or his age BUT by what is on the inside; his heart. Samuel and all of the others watching learn that God cares more about our hearts than what we look like on the outside. 

#10: Part 5 Saul Crowned King
5 perc 8. rész

The Israelites get a King!!! God listens to their request and chooses Saul, a man from the smallest tribe. Join us as we learn how God can use any of us even when we are doing ordinary things like searching for our Dad's donkeys. 

#9: Part 4: Comparison Calamity
5 perc 7. rész Jessica White

Have you ever wanted what someone else had or to be like someone else? Well you are not alone. The Israelites demand to have a king because everyone else has a king. They are caught in the comparison trap. God reminds us that He is our King and that He loves us just how we are. Comparison can destroy contentment: it will grow either pride or bitterness. God wants us to look at Him instead of everybody else.

#8: Part 3: Return of the ARK
7 perc 6. rész

The Israelites learn to love God more than all of their stuff. God is faithful and helps them win the battle. Everyone rejoices as the Ark of the Lord's Covenant is returned and there is now peace for them. What a faithful God!

#7: Part 2: Bad Move Philistines
8 perc 5. rész

We return to our story to find the Philistines now want to get rid of the Ark of the Covenant. God is sooo mighty that he ruins their plans to keep the Ark and in doing so, God reminds EVERYONE of just how powerful He is. 

#6: Part 1: The Mighty Ark of the Covenant
12 perc 4. rész

Before there was David and Goliath, there was Samuel. Join us as we learn about faithful Samuel, a HUGE battle between the Israelites and Philistines, and just how special the Ark of the Lord's Covenant is. Maybe we will see that it's not always as it seems..God has plans that we may not know about or see. REMEMBER this is a "to be continued" story. We will have a FEW in this series that takes us right up to David vs Goliath. Enjoy!!!

#5: God loves me how much??!?!
5 perc 3. rész

Be encouraged today that God knows you!!! He knows your name, what you like and don't like, He knows you and made you oh so special. You are known by the God who hung the stars in the sky and YOU child, are loved by Him.  

#4: Jesus Calms the Storm
4 perc 2. rész

Raging water, gusting winds...come along as we see how Jesus is with us no matter what the weather looks like around us. Rain or shine, we are not alone in our boats. 

#1: Noah and the Ark
5 perc 1. rész

Noah had a special purpose from God to build the ark before the flood came. Join us as we load up all the animals 2 by 2 in the ark and learn about being obedient to God. 

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