Conscious Parenting For Confident & Successful Kids // Similar to Focus on the Family, Parental Guidance, TEDTalks

Conscious Parenting For Confident & Successful Kids // Similar to Focus on the Family, Parental Guidance, TEDTalks

How To Raise Confident, Happy & Successful Kids

Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach Kids & Family 18 rész How To Raise Confident, Successful & Happy Kids
BGM 018: Why it’s so important to have an EQ Toy now more than ever
12 perc 18. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
There are many toys that build IQ and many that build CQ (Creative Intelligence). Why is it so crucial for parents to introduce their kids to toys that build EQ? Listen to my interview on the Jennifer Campbell show why toys that build Emotional Intelligence will prepare your kids for their best life now and […]
BGM 017: Spanking
12 perc 17. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
Jennifer Campbell from the Jennifer Campbell Radio Show interviewed me recently on the Spanking. If you’ve ever felt, “Hey, I was spanked and I turned out ok”, then take a listen and find out why we need to get rid of this outdated practise. “     Click Here to Subscribe to the Podcast via […]
BGM 016: Conflict
9 perc 16. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
When kids have conflicts (friends and siblings) it can create such divides that parents feel like they are always stepping in and needing to resolve the issue and lead to some pretty unhappy kids. This can create tension on your adult friendships as both kids struggle to find a way through their conflict without whining […]
BGM 015: Saying Sorry
6 perc 15. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
Do you apologize too much? Not enough? I rarely apologize anymore. Instead, I found something way more effective in my marriage and with my kids. This is the advanced way of saying I’m sorry. I know this is going to work much better for you to repair conflicts quickly. Click Here to Subscribe to the […]
BGM 005:How to Run the Ultimate Family Meeting So There Are Less Arguments, No Tantrums and Incredible Love and Connection
0 perc 14. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
If you’ve ever wanted to change the entire family dynamic for the better, one of the surest ways to get there is holding Family Meetings. It’s a fun, engaging, effective way to create harmony between you and the kids, lower yours and your kids stress levels and create a connection with your kid/s that feels […]
BGM 004: How to Help Your Kids Find Their Passion
3 perc 13. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
In this short talk, I share a powerful way to handle situations where your child wants you (not needs you) and you are busy working on something important.  It’s been one of the most effective tips I can offer for helping kids discover their own passion while you pursue yours. Click Here to Subscribe to […]
BGM 003: Why You’ve Been Motivating Your Kids The Wrong Way
9 perc 12. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
As parents we tend to resort to two modes of motivation. We get louder and louder till our kids do what we want/ask We use some version of reward or punishment, we bribe or threaten. Deep inside you know that this change in behaviour is momentary, there is no deep internal dialogue and understanding achieved, […]
BGM 002: What Is Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Anyway??
9 perc 11. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
I’m often asked by parents what exactly is EQ  or Emotional Intelligence and why is it so important to my child’s success. In this podcast, if you are not quite sure what this means to you and your child, then I’m going to introduce you to this vital skill set that affects every meaningful aspect of […]
BGM 001: The Counter-Intuitive Way To Solve Challenging Situations
0 perc 10. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
In this particular podcast episode you will learn: How to create deep trust and intimacy consistently Become a parent who can calm your kids down Get your kids to listen Have your kids share absolutely everything about their life openly and often, without boundaries Click Here to Subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes Click Here […]
BGM 014: How to stop your kids from whining
6 perc 9. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
Kids whining or sounding victimized is something that is learned. Kids do it because they see that it works. In this episode Rhea teaches you the trick to raising kids who ask for what they want in a more useful and productive way… so your kids can powerfully create the life they want. Let us […]
BGM 013: How to discipline kids without feeling any guilt
30 perc 8. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
How do you discipline your children? Most often discipline gets mixed up with punishment. In this episode Rhea shares how you can guide your children in the areas they need to, while keeping calm and staying emotionally connected with your kids. Listen in as Rhea shares a great way to discipline kids without feeling any […]
BGM 012: How to take perspectives and let go of our ego
18 perc 7. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
In this podcast I share the 2 most important skills sets in parenting, how to take perspectives and how to let go of our ego. You will get a glimpse of the havoc ego plays and what to do when we feel our ego is running the show. I will also share the value of […]
BGM 011: How to Help Your Kids Handle Their “BIG” Emotions
20 perc 6. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
One of our goals as parents is to raise calm and happy kids, often times  we make mistakes in the moments when our children are at their most vulnerable. In this episode, Rhea reminds us that it’s completely normal and acceptable for children to feel the emotions that are considered “negative” by society. Give your […]
BGM 010: Sibling Rivalry
24 perc 5. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
Parents must guard against anything that would result in our children developing feelings of being less loved than their siblings. The life long costs of sibling rivalry is huge and can occur in very subtle ways we aren’t even aware of.  In this episode, Rhea shares some highly effective tips and techniques on how we […]
BGM 009: Teach Kids How to Self Soothe and Put Love Into Their Own Wounds
11 perc 4. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
In this podcast you will learn how to help kids get out of a “victim” mindset and learn how to self soothe. This skill is key if you want kids who represent their needs in a way that serves them long term and allows them to experience power over their feelings. Listen in if you […]
BGM 008: Is Favoritism The Reasons Your Kids Fight?
0 perc 3. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
Parents say they don’t play favorites but the research shows that often is not true. Favoritism when played consciously or  unconsciously can create an immense amount of pain, resentment and fighting between siblings which can last for a lifetime.  Listen in as I outline why favoritism is so damaging and the subtle and unconscious things […]
BGM 007: A Powerful Way To Build Self Esteem Using “Mantras” You Create With Your Kids
0 perc 2. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
Mantra’s can be words, sounds or phrases you say to yourself. It’s a form of self talk that your child does daily which builds focus, self esteem and is extremely empowering. It’s also a way to build in a beautiful and fun ritual that your kids will thank you for in years to come. In […]
BGM 006: How to Fight In Front Of Your Kids
8 perc 1. rész Rhea Lalla: Author & Parent Coach
As parents we don’t always have the presence of mind to stop any arguments or disagreements we have with others,  in the presence of our kids.  Depending on the situation, shielding our kids can to them a dis-service. Allowing kids to see some conflict has been proven to be highly beneficial and if they are […]
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